By Shauna V. Brown
May I take a moment and say, “Thank you to all who take the time and plant flowers.”
Our world is a healthier and better place because of the flowers, trees and shrubs within it.
Last year my good neighbor and friend, Dan Stewart, stopped by our home to specifically thank us for planting flowers in our yard. He is a bee keeper by hobby. He informed me that my flowers have been a great blessing to his bees. I smiled, but then he reaffirmed his appreciation. “No, I mean it, truly Shauna. You have planted so many flowers that my bees are very busy. Many homes today don’t even have flowers. The popular “Zero landscape” is limiting our honey production. The bees have no where to go.”
I hadn’t given much thought about my part in honey production. I just knew that I love flowers and how I emotionally thrive when ever I stepped into a garden. Dan then shared the importance of planting a variety of flowers in all colors. He informed me of the different energy levels and patterns contained within each flower. “Vibrations,” he said. I was intrigued as I listened. After which I immediately wanted to go and plant more flowers in my yard. I wanted to increase the good energy around me. I have since studied a bit further on energy patterns. Everything gives off vibrations. Each of us have our own unique energy and rhythms. Some people give off positive patterns or energy and it is easy to be drawn unto them. While others generate negativity and for the most part people don’t want to be around them for any length of time. They are considered by most-- draining. So literally we are becoming - as to what we surround ourselves with-continually vibrating.
“All things denote there is a God; yea, even the earth... and its motion, yea, and also all the planets which move in their regular form do witness that there is a Supreme Creator” (Book of Mormon, Alma 30:44).
Not long ago I learned that trees give off oxygen just before dawn, which wakes up the birds and makes them sing! I call that masterful!
Do you know that crickets chirp faster when it is hot outside? Who thought of that?
Have you listened to a melody and spontaneously started to tear up with emotion? It’s the vibration patterns that are connecting to your heart and spirit. No surgeon can even stitch that ability.
Sunsets are a gift that allows the energy of the day to give a welcome entrance to evening, allowing our bodies to automatically change into a state of relaxation.
Breathe deeply and let your thoughts take you on a pondering retreat. Allowing your creator to have those moments where once again He can testify of His love and allow his eternal vibrations to mentor your spirit.
We are literally surrounded by heavenly and earthly gifts offered by a loving Father in Heaven. Daily gifts to generate comfort, joy, a sense of peace, even finding the state called “balance”. Trees are a great source of energy. We all would get healthier, stress less if we would spend more time in groves of trees, gardens of flowers, enjoy cascading rivers of water, and walking barefoot.
You all have felt a surge of energy when you have received, or given a bouquet of flowers. Both parties experience an instant sense of vibrating appreciation, and connection. As we breathe in the fragrance we are enhanced even more by the flowers offering and sacrifice.
The artist Claude Monet was heard to say, “I must have flowers, always, and always.” He understood the master’s touch.
Even as I drive to work I shout out a "Thank you" to my unknown neighbors.
"Thank you for the beautiful red roses."
"I love your dasies!"
"Thanks for the geraniums!"
"Bless you and your poppies!"
During the Christmas holidays, Dan Stewart returned to our home and handed me a jar of honey. “What goes around, comes around,” he said with a smile.
I found as I opened the jar of honey there was something even more sweeter as I spread it upon my morning toast. I had without even knowing, played a small part in the production of it.
So without even knowing it, what are we vibrating?
Have a great Sabbath
Love and sunshine to all, Shauna
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