Sunday, October 27, 2013


by Shauna Brown 

     I love taking photographs. Something within my soul that stirs me to capture a moment in time. Perhaps even a thought. What a  blessing pictures are, as they will often help us recall that experience.  Helping
 us to reflect upon the time that took us there.  
    Recently our family enjoyed a weekend away. Fall is a beautiful time, and between the crisp morning and golden afternoon, we took a long Fall walk together.  I took pictures of  trees bidding bye to their blankets of yellow leaves. I embraced and captured the sky blue mornings, smiles on faces and random poses to delight. It was while on our slow saundering I came upon a old fence with barbed wire. It appeared to be the  last remaining remnants of a time past. Yet, it set my mind to contemplate how the farmer had worked so diligently to build the fence. Post by post he dug deeply. Then nails he positioned and pounded.  Heavy wooden planks he secured, creating the desired boundary. Carefully unwinding the wired barbs he placed it a top the fence, hopefully to restrain unwanted entrance or disturbance.   
     I wondered how just how long it took took the farmer to build his fence.  A fence so sturdy and strong to stand against the wind, time, as well as weight of animals.  When completed did he and his bride stand back with an extra measure of pride upon completion? Was it then they felt more secure?  What did he want to protect?   What did he want to keep out? How many nails did he use to re-enforce and fortify it?   

   “The wide world is all about you; you can fence yourselves in,  
        but you cannot forever fence it out.”   J.R.R. Tolkien 

    You and I are finding that today we must seek to secure and protect all that is dear to us. We must dig deeply and seek the greatest fortifications and foundations. It is imperative to install limits, sometimes barbed boundaries, while continually praying for protection and guidance. Much like the farmer, our charge is to be aware of broken posts and then hasten to rebuild and secure our fences.  
      How many fences will we build in a lifetime? Some of our fences will never see a nail, or a wooden post, but they are there. We will feel the pressing pressures and influence of the ‘world’, but holding the hammer of hope in hand, we can build them. We must distance ourselves from conflicting voices, dark thoughts, distracting beliefs and abrasive behaviors.  
   Often I am taken in thought to visualize a moment when I am standing with the Savior in my “field of life.”  I see there were times when I pushed against the fence seeking to explore beyond,  and there were other times I sat upon it. I see my fence, getting older. Some boards and posts have been repaired and replaced.  I see as well, some strong posts dug deep when faith was the only means of securing.   I pause as the Savior once again smiles at me while he scans my field and fencing.   “Behold,” he whispers and stretches forth his hand. 
I see a sagging post. He points to my bucket of nails. I nod with understanding. You see, He knows the effort, value, and worth of posts and nails. 

        “You will one day stand aside and look at your difficult times, and you 
         will realize that He was always there beside you.” -Thomas S. Monson 

Enjoy Your Sabbath!
With Love Always

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Breath Taking!

by Shauna Brown                  

    “If I had a flower for every time I thought of you...  I could walk through my garden forever.”   
                     ~ Alfred Tennyson 

         Imagine for every thought one had for good, there would be endless gardens forever.  It comes as no surprise that walking through God’s gardens generates a sense of tranquility. Trees and flowers beckon one to acknowledge that God has planted loving messages within the branches. Tucked within the petals are divine feelings to penetrate the soul. No wonder a bouquet of flowers fill a room with energy, brightness and a renewed hope and trust, almost whispering that God is well aware.  

For a moment let me, with Alfred’s permission, rearrange his thought: 
      Come, walk through my gardens 
              for I have flowers and trees for you, 
           hand picked and planted. 
                      Listen, and you will feel of my grace. 
                Walk and smell of seasoned scents. 
                      Peace I sowed, for my thoughts are of you, 
                            and ever ready for your embrace. 
       Last Tuesday, Rick and I decided to enjoy one of the  last days of Fall, surrounded by gardens of change. Almost, as if in a parting message we acknowledged God’s timing as leaves are drifting down to become a blanket.  I love the sounds of leaves crunching under my toes, kicking them into the air, as in bidding goodbye. I marvel at the vast and vibrant hues of the season. With camera in hand I gathered together my own bouquet of God’s thoughtfulness.                                
      Holding hands and walking slowly we felt further embraced and grounded by greatness. No wonder there are so many sacred groves and pathways flourishing, for we are ever in his thoughts.  Trees and shrubs reach heavenward inviting us to see above and beyond.  It was as if all things were in harmony, testifying, and proclaiming as God wrapped hues and scents of wondrous love around us. Oh, such masterful magnificence! It inspired my soul to understand that God has planted firs, oaks and elms to envelope our hearts to beat in tranquility. He has sprinkled dandelions, sunflowers and wild blossoms to encourage our beliefs. God's hope is that all will become fully rooted in His supportive and enduring love.  

      Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude. Colossians 2:6-7 

        So walk in Him. I love that! Each day we are invited to thrill with the opportunity to walk, embrace of His goodness, and thrive in His excellence.  

        Oh Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder  
          Consider all the worlds thy hands have made,  
          I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder  
          Thy power throughout the Universe displayed. 
Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to thee, 
How great thou art!  How great thou art! 
Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to thee, 
How great thou art!  How great thou art!”     
~  Carl Boberg 

Look around you - see all - feel all - hear all.   It is evident that God's merciful messages are ours for the taking- it can be - it is - breath taking!  

Enjoy your Sabbath 
Love to all 
                     Both Sides 

by Shauna Brown  
              Not long ago as I was welcoming new students to seminary a young girl came bouncing through the front door. “I’m sorry I’m so late,”  she said almost out of breath.  Her eyes were deep brown, and shiny long black hair accentuated her features.  I was taken by her beauty and equally taken back by a very contrasting black shirt that she wore. The shirt featured a huge white skull on the front of her t-shirt. With reflex of thought I said excitedly, “Oh, you’re coming to do work for the dead.”  She giggled in surprise and smiled. I laughed aloud, as I amazed myself for my quick wit.  She then came closer to me. In some what of an embarrassing tone stated, “You see, I used to be Gothic.” I nodded my head a bit surprised, yet in response to understanding the term.  
        “ I didn’t have any clean clothes this morning. This shirt is a left over.” 
        “ I’m glad it’s clean,” I said with a smile.  
        Then she added, “I decided being a Goth wasn’t really what I wanted to be.”   
         It was then I broke with rules and gave her a welcoming hug. “I’m glad you’re here.”               
        For weeks now my little friend comes late to school almost every day. I have encouraged her on numerous occasions to try harder to be punctual. I admit I am a shade fearful she will slip back into patterns, and behaviors that are not the best for her. In fact, I admit I find relief when she comes through the front door. My response is a wide smile. She stops momentarily and shares her reasons for being tardy. They are as varied as most: busy with marching band practices, keeping her grades up, couldn't sleep, staying up late, had to get an assignment done, had to do the laundry. She then holds up her tardy note and rushes into the classroom.   Yet, in all the times Kate has come late, she has never shared with me that she is the one who basically helps her younger brother get ready for school. I found that fact out by accident from a school aid who informed me that Kate’s younger brother, a seventh grader,  is autistic. It seems Kate is the only one who can work with him to get dressed and ready without him getting upset and agitated. Most mornings are beyond busy for her.  As the aid shared her insights, I was taken with a great sense of wonder. I saw more than a fourteen year old who had withdrawn from darkness, a girl who frequently looks more frazzled than fresh.  I see a young girl who is hanging on the hope that someday she will have new friends who have forgotten how she used to be, and hopes that God will understand and forgive.   
     Isn’t it interesting that too often until we have more facts, ‘both sides of the story,’ we can easily assume, question, create opinions, evaluations and make hasty judgments.                               
              “We all make mistakes, have struggles, and even regret things in our past. But you are not your mistakes, you are not your struggles, and you are here NOW with the power to shape your day and your future.”    
                                                                Steve Maraboli       I find great comfort in knowing that Jesus Christ stands as our advocate with the Father.  He knows our full story, He knows our hearts, He knows our will. Both sides of the story of our lives are clearly understood and felt.  His love for everyone is unconditional. He loves us inside out and outside in. His desire is that we show up for the daily lessons and take heart and hope in all the possibilities.
Enjoy the Sabbath!
Love to all,