Sunday, December 30, 2012

       Feel the Beat - -  and Love it! 

by Shauna Brown 

           I was sitting in the car listening to my new CD of music played by Jenny Oaks Baker, beautiful violin music. She was playing some Disney pieces that I’m sure we all have heard and  many of can sing along with. I was impressed with her talent and skill.  Something within the melodies made me happy and lifted. Perhaps it was a mixture of memories and moments of my childhood days and even those times of my own young family.  One minute  I was stirred with Beauty and the Beast, then taken to  Wish Upon a Star. Each melody evoked a different feeling.  Then within an instant one song came on and I was flooded with another kind of emotion. My heart felt a sense of melancholy. I couldn’t think of an occasion tied to the song to make me feel that way, but the tears were signaled and I sat in silent wonder.  What caused such a difference in my heart, within my spirit? It only took a few measures of melody to change my frame of thought.  Then the song ended and I was finding my emotions changed as the lilting melody of Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious surrounded me.  Instantly I responded with more positive vibrations. Then my thoughts were taken to question why melodies can make us feel happy and positive, to others filled with sadness, pondering, as even others leave us agitated.
    In my early teens my mother encouraged me to speak to her roses when I was watering them. At first I thought it was strange, but with her repeated council, as well as some interesting scientific studies at the time, I began to believe there truly was something of worth within my ‘rose conversations.’  Mother’s roses were the envy of the garden club.
    Might I turn our thoughts to those ‘scientific studies’ my mother referred to. There was a woman, Mrs. Dorothy Retallack,  who while taking a biology class in college ran a 
series of tests in the late 1960’s, She wanted to know if there was a relationship between the growing of plants when exposed to different vibrations of rock music and that of classical music.  Quickly she learned ‘that rock music caused some of the plants to grow either abnormally tall and put out excessively small leaves, or remain stunted. Within a fortnight all the marigolds that had been exposed to rock music had died, but only six feet away identical marigolds, enjoying classical strains, were flowering. Mrs. Retallack noted those plants exposed to Haydn, Beethoven, Brahms, Schubert, and other scores grew toward the transmitter radio, one of them even twining itself lovingly around it. The other squashes grew away from the rock broadcasts and even tried to climb the slippery walls of their cage.’ The Secret Life of Plants, p. 154-155
       Not long after her experiments others became interested in the controversial study as well. Dr.John Diamond, wrote the book, Your Body Doesn’t Lie. Testing himself and other people listening to various kinds of rock and roll, as well as classical found results which startled him. The harder the ‘rock’ the weaker people became.
     Truth is, what we surround ourselves with-- vibrating sounds can ultimately build or destroy us. Vibrations, good or bad, have an impact on how we live and feel.
     Even loud and disturbing sound vibrations are used as a war weapon to create illness and uneasiness. While on the other spectrum good sound frequencies are used to heal, restore and balance health in ill patients, as well as trauma.
      “If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report, we seek after these things.”
       How many years ago were we guided to seek all that is good, and of virtuous report?
So, one should ask themselves, “What am I exposing myself to?”  “What vibrations are surrounding me? What vibes are of value in my life?”  “Who is giving off negative energy?” “Where can I turn for peace?”

       Spoken words, music, touch can have a lasting influence on our lives. No wonder softly sung lullaby’s send soothing comfort. While another song written may cause us to seek for higher greatness. Then, and sadly I find we are pounded by heavy metals and distorted vibes that will, if not given a relief will render a weaken soul. 
     So today, may we all be more aware of the vibrations, words and actions that we are emitting to others, as well as receiving.  May you and I be positive energy producers. 

 The creator of all said: “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” 

     Many musicians share how critical it is to tune their instruments before playing. We too, must daily, sometimes by the minute, tune our strings and spirits to God’s daily melody.  
    Might we all seek that which is good and worthy, thus allowing us to permeate the world with a clear tone of vibrated goodness.

   “ God knows our hearts and the melodies that we play within the strings
 of our souls. Might He beable to applaud and say, ‘Play on! ”
     ~ Shauna Brown 

    Enjoy Your Sabbath Day

Sunday, December 23, 2012

                                     To See

by Shauna Brown 

     I remember sitting across the examination room as my mother inquired of the eye specialist, “Will I ever see again in this eye?”
    His answer was clear and decisive, “No, I am sorry.” 
    It had been months since her eye surgery and every hope, prayer and procedure had been extended. The reality that nothing could be done was a tragic reality.  My mother had loved her surrounding world. She had written poetry, vivid stories and was always eager to invite, “Hurry, come and see the beautiful sunset!”  She valued and wrote about her love of God’s creations.  My mother was the one who introduced me to the life of Helen Keller. Mama picked up Helen's autobiography at the library when I was ten. I have long held great admiration for a woman who lived in a dark, silent world. As I continue to study her life I marvel at all that she was able to accomplish.  Her life and thoughts have long held my respect. Let me share a moment of her advice:

    " I who am blind can give one hint to those who see: Use your eyes as if tomorrow you would be stricken blind. And the same method can be applied to the other senses. Hear the music of voices, the song of a bird, the mighty strains of an orchestra, as if you would be stricken deaf tomorrow. Touch each object as if tomorrow your tactile sense would fail. Smell the perfume of flowers, taste with relish each morsel, as if tomorrow you could never smell and taste again. Make the most of every sense; glory in the beauty which the world in all the facets of pleasure reveals to you through the several means of contact which Nature provides. But of all the senses, I am sure that sight is the most delightful.”
~ Helen Keller
    Might we take a moment to breathe in the beautiful things around us.  Let’s slow down and gratefully open the God given gifts. Unwrap the morning sunrise and blow a kiss to God for sending it.  See the value of colors and cherish God’s masterpieces. Generously sprinkle seeds for the birds.  Marvel how God wraps the earth in a blanket of white, as to nurture the coming sprouts of spring. Smile as a rainbow offers promises. Thrill at characters  within the puffy white clouds. Listen to melodies created and tuned to the Lord. Embrace the peacefulness of a sunset as God whispers peace to your soul.  
     I remember Helen sharing in her history, that one of the first things she wants to see-- is the face of a newborn baby.  
     What do you want to see?  Do we too frequently wear dark glasses and miss the vivid splendor of God's handy work?  
     So this Christmas as we unwrap the gifts given by our friends, family, and Santa, might we all take a moment and share a God given gift that we appreciate. Perhaps it might make our Christmas morning-- fully filled with rejoicing as well as blessings counted. 
     In all of Helen’s darkness she had insight: “For three things I thank God every day of my life: thanks that he has vouchsafed me knowledge of his works; deep thanks that he has set in my darkness the lamp of faith; deep, deepest thanks that I have another life to look forward to--a life joyous with light and flowers and heavenly song.” 

   Helen gloried in the Lord, and so might we.
   Merry Christmas! For Jesus Christ,is truly the light- reason for the season- and giver of the greatest gift to all mankind. 
Enjoy everything about your Sabbath and Christmas.

Love to all

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Thank Heavens for Inn Keepers

        by Shauna Brown 

      Each year at Christmas time I think of the inn keepers in Bethlehem who probably regret that they didn't take the opportunity of being the host to the “holy family.”  Imagine it: “We have no room,” “My bed is all ready given,”  “Sorry, the person just a head of you got the cot.”  “I have no time to even think about someone having a baby born here,” “ Wow, what a fix you’re in,” “ I have no time for this,”  “ You should have got here sooner.”
     This sabbath day I wish to focus upon those inn keepers who have influenced and blessed my life.    
    From my original inn keepers --childhood home -my stable few, I was warmly welcomed. My family has been a lasting strength to me.  Parents who built and founded our family on faith in God.  There in, I was taught about a loving Father in Heaven and His son, our Savior- Jesus Christ. 

       Elder Neal A. Maxwell left us a sweet remembrance: 
         “Each of us is an innkeeper who decides if there is room for Jesus!”

     Reflecting upon those, many of you, have been 'inn keepers' in my life, I am eternally filled with gratitude.  Many don’t even suspect you played the part of an inn keeper, yet your love and acts of kindness have not gone unnoticed. If I needed a bed, I’ll sure you would have found one for me. 
      There have been lessons observed which have influenced the way in which I live.  Some of your sacrifices, words of advice, words of encouragement have proven to be significant. I have marveled at the numerous times someone has shared with me an insight, an experience, that would  prove to be personal revelation, in some instances - life saving.  Countless people have been living examples of an inn keeper as they welcomed and attended to, and even some of my unknown needs.  I have been the recipient of thousands of thoughtful expressions of love and care. Many have placed my interest and needs far above their own.  
     I think of the loaves of bread, the bowls of soup, the cookies, the jello salads and casseroles. Those who have washed windows, tended my children, cleaned dirty floors, changed diapers, stood by my side, walked beside me and extended their prayers.  The many advisors, teachers and family who continue to be  worthy examples and keepers.  I appreciate the thoughtfulness of caring friends and family, as when traumatic events came knocking on my door, many inn keepers were instantly there to ease the fear and encourage faith.
     I know for a fact,  that people have been hand selected and prepared by God and placed along my pathway to show me the possibilities, to see more clearly, to feel more deeply, to trust and have faith.  I have been inspired, motivated and uplifted by so many. I am grateful to all who have opened their doors, their hearts, their spirits to willingly give of their time and genuine concern. 
   I like to imagine the writing of our earthly scripts. I am amazed at how frequently I can see the hands of God.  
      Inn keepers?  I am surrounded by them. 
     Just yesterday, a woman wearing a large red Santa hat and an ugly holiday sweater smiled at me while I was shopping. Looking me straight in the eyes, she wished aloud, “Now you have a Merry Christmas!”     Funny, but  at that moment I was feeling ‘humbug blue,’ but God pricked her heart and I felt his words. “Be of good cheer.”   
    Yes, many of you are standing by the doorway of another's heart, and I know you will open it as you have done - time and time again.

“He shall give his angels (Inn keepers ) charge concerning thee: 
         and in their hands they  shall bear thee up”   (Matthew 4:6).

   "Knock, knock"
     Who's there?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Strive Daily • Stand Tall • Spread Cheer

Enjoy the Sabbath!

Sunday, December 9, 2012


by Shauna Brown 

    I love it when Rick brings in an assortment of his neckties each Sunday morning. He narrows down his selection to three for my review. He then placed the ties a top the suit he has decided to wear on Sunday.  It brings back a sweet memory of my own father and mother selecting the tie of the day. 
      “Which one looks best?”  
      “Which one do you like ?” He routinly inquires.  After a few moments of inspection I get the opportunity to vote on my favorite one. I have noticed on a few and rare occasions that there is a shift in selection, and I am OK with that.  You see, to me the greatest and important factor is the man behind the tie. 
     Let me share: Years ago, when I was serving in a Primary Presidency were trying to think of a lesson that would stand out and make our young children appreciate and value the father in their lives.  Father’s Day was the focus.  I shared the story about Captain Moroni and what a great leader he was. I told them that Captain Moroni was the chief commander of the Nephite armies. He was a strong and mighty man who loved the Lord and loved his people. He had sworn with an oath to protect his family and the people from the enemy. Captain Moroni tore a piece from his coat and made it into a banner that he called “The title of liberty.” Upon the banner he wrote, “In memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children.” 
    Then I held up a sword.  Indicated that Captain Moroni probably carried one similar with him into battle. Then I showed the children the similarities of a man’s neck tie. It looks the same as a sword, if you hold it upside down.  I told them, “Each week when their fathers  put on their ties, they are members of a Royal Army. They too are seeking to stand for truth and righteousness. They are fighting for fatherhood, love of family, love of God.”
    Men are meant to be defenders, our knights in shining armor. Men who stand up for righteous freedoms. Sounds dramatic I know, but in all truth that is what our men are meant to be.

     I then told the children of a missionary who had served in England in 1865. His name was Albert King Thurber. While serving there he went to a pawn shop. In his journal he wrote: “Today I bought at a pawn shop corner of High St. Liverpool Road, a sword for 
1 1/2 guineas. I took the sword that I had bought into the upper room, and in prayer “Dedicated it for the defense of Zion and the Holy Priesthood, and that it might remain bright and never be drawn unworthily by me or my posterity, with whom I prayed that it might remain from generation to generation and that when drawn either for defense or instruction, the power of the Almighty might attend those who held it.”
     I felt power within Albert words and the desire of him being worthy and ready. 
‘That his (sword )  might remain from generation to generation for the defense of Zion.’  
      Well, my Zion is my family. My Lord. My country. My faith.
      I am grateful for those men in my life, and previous generations, who have placed before their wives a selection of ties.  Little did they know, we are praying for them to be armed and ready in spirit, power and purpose.       
Many think that men’s ties are outdated, restrictive, and some would even like to get rid of them. However, I contest it!  I wish to keep my personal symbol of all the ‘Knights in Shining.’ A visual reminder that we all must standup for the family, freedom, and truly become defenders of the faith in Jesus Christ. 
Today, more than ever before we find ourselves in a battle. Surrounded by the enemy and all kinds and means to destroy that which we should hold dear. So when your ‘Knight in Shining’ wonders why he got another thin and narrow gift box, for Christmas might he welcome it.  

Stand Strong Stand ReadyCharge!

Enjoy your Sabbath
