Sunday, August 26, 2012

Miracles Are Happening! 

 by Shauna Brown 

Last night I lay in bed listening to the laughter and the sounds of little feet running down hallways.  I was tired from the long day of sun, sand and water. It had been a perfect day for family fun. 
Framed by billowing white clouds, sapphire blue skies and warm, yes, warm water that  welcomed everyone to come and swim, or at least enjoy a good was perfect. I have a sun burn as well as pink cheeks to prove that I was totally there. It was one of those memory making days when one sits back, relaxes and studies the faces of those you love and wish that everyone you love could be there as well. Perhaps I appreciated it even more when the reality of life and a stunning moment made a lasting impression. 
      Just the day prior a little three year old boy fell through a window in the same condo complex. The condo we were staying in was directly across from where the accident occurred.
He fell from a window three stories high, and landed on the boulders below. News of the accident rippled through the condos where we were vacationing. I watched as people ran to give aid and assistance.  
That very morning I observed the little boy in conversation with his grandfather.  Upon hearing the news, Rick and Steve offered their assistance. Instantly everyones' attention and thoughts were drawn to the family as they rushed about while waiting for the emergency EMTs to arrive. All of us listened to the family as they shared what had happened.  
     From the bedroom in which Rick and I were staying we had a clear view. All of our grandchildren  and a few of the adults gathered atop the bed to observe. Sirens, police officers, EMTs and then the helicopter crew arrived to assist.  Numerous people walked in and out of the condo, some crying, while others seemed fully focused on their job to render medical aid.  After a long wait and getting the little boy stable they carefully carried him to the awaiting gurney and quickly restrained him from any movement.  Within the half hour he was flown to the Primary Children's Hospital.  The only aid we could render was prayer and wishes. .
    Within a matter of moments and the disappearance of the emergency crews, our family were once again taken into play.  “Out of sight -out of mind,”  caused me to pause for thought.  
  The screen was on the window, and yet when the little boy leaned against it - it gave way and he fell. What were we all to learn from this experience?
       “Secure the window,” I hear you say. 
“Don’t let children play by any window three stories high!” 
“Who was watching him?”
   We are never out of sight from our Savior, nor out of mind from His. He knows when we are going to fall, or fall short. He is more than willing to provide the strong screen of protection if we want it.  He has provided a perfect plan. He has left us words, leaders, as well as hand picked angels to guide and direct our lives. 
      It is us who forget. Us, who walks away from things of most importance--thinking all is well. Us, who become too busy to follow or listen. Us, who sometimes starve our spiritual side thinking that someday, somehow, we will be brought back to a remembrance of how vital it is to be alive in Jesus Christ.  
        I was relieved later that evening when news came back from his grandfather that the little fellow was alive and doing much better. He described, “He crushed both knees, broke his fibia, which jammed into his hipbone, as well as broke another bone in his other leg. He said that the doctors were relieved as the tests had come back indicating that there was no spinal or brain injuries." 
        From  my personal observation of where the little lad fell, it was a miracle in deed that he was alive. 
        I believe my pondering thoughts have led me to consider future placement of my feet, my faith, my choices and priorities. 

       I heard a thought not long ago by a punk performer, Hayley Williams. I may not like her pink and orange hair, strange music, but her words ring truth.
    “Sometimes it takes a good fall to really know where you stand.” 
So if falling down, is part of life's experiences-- then getting up, should be equally as important. To know where we are standing is worth it. Hopefully, we shall stand tall. Let’s not hesitate to issue the promise from Heavenly Father to one and all: 
...there I will be also, for I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up.
      We can’t shield everyone from accidents, or poor choices,  but we can help them realize that with God all things are possible --  miracles still happen. 

Happy Sabbath

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