Sunday, August 26, 2012

                       Join in the Jubilee

by Shauna V. Brown 

Each summer I have observed home made signs posted along the roadside, frequently there are a couple of balloons attached, and arrows pointing.  Some signs are made with paper plates, while others are delightfully hand scripted and bedecked with sparkling glitter. Often the signs are given as directors, but most are announcing the anticipation of the coming reunion.  I know you have seen these signs as well:  “Jones Family Jamboree,” “Martindales Gathering,” “Johnson Family Reunion,” and just yesterday balloons, banners, music, proclaimed that a gathering was happening for the--
                                    “Van Clan”
 It was my turn to join in the fun of Van Wagenen family memories and see the growth within our family.  Many of the families had traveled over the river, through the woods to be together. It was fun to observe the growing sight of rainbow colored t-shirts as families one by one arrived. Red, yellow, green, blue, orange, purple each defining which family belonged to whom - within the whole.
“If the family were a fruit, it would be an orange, 
a circle of sections, held together but separable - 
each segment distinct.”      Letty Cottin Pogrebin

 And so it was with our Van Clan Family Reunion 2012 as we gathered at the Draper City Park. Sections of vivid and glorious colors--held together --because we're FAMILY! 
To me it seemed like yesterday when those beginning sections of families could all fit around the dining table for a Sunday dinner in Clyde and Genevieve’s home on Parkway Avenue. Now, to accommodate everyone it takes a pavilion filled with tables.  I could almost feel heaven giggle with the delight and sight of such a gathering. 
      In the middle of the Draper Park is a giant tree. It is spectacular in appearance and beauty. It was a most fitting back drop to our family reunion. I marveled as I looked at the numerous branches that reached upward into heaven.  It was hard to imagine that it grew from one simple, little seed.  Yet, in all reality it is an incredible emblem of ‘family,’ with roots, trunk, branches, leaves, and next generation of possibilities.  
       As I breathed in the beauty of the tree and thought of my ancestors from which I inherited some of my genes, I was taken to ponder upon the designer of all mankind and creation. Grateful that I know that I am a daughter of His making. Within my heart and soul I know I have divine potential. We all have been given an abundance of inherited, divine genes.
     I am realizing as my branches twist and turn in these my seasoned years, I can gain strength from my roots. I am blessed by many examples for which I am grateful. I am thankful that my Mother treasured their lives, their histories and told their stories to me. 
When I was thirteen my parents were collecting histories of our ancestors to be published in a book.  Mother asked if I might help her with this project. I was just learning to type then and word by word I found myself drawn into their lives. Even at thirteen I was taken to tears as I thought of what many of them faced. I marveled at their challenges and struggles as well as sacrifices. I felt of their pain, as well as their joy.  
I shall never forget the moment when I came across the testimony of Caroline Marie Johnson. I felt such strength within her words as I typed. Caroline has frequented my thoughts whenever I have found myself under a blue cloud.  I have been gifted on many an occasion to portray Caroline Marie for many groups.  I share a small portion of her history with you, so that you might appreciate the gift of an ancestor’s life. [ I took some artistic liberties in the first paragraph to condense her story for stage delivery ] 
       My life has been  filled with sunshine and cloudy days.  Long lonely nights, and home filled with laughter, pillows wet from tears and hands worn from daily living.  I have battled snakes, mice and grasshoppers, as well as pain. I have danced with the sunrise and sung songs to wee babes. I have learned to appreciate the storms and the peaceful time of spring.  I have walked close to God and felt of his love of which I have thanks and praises to give.
      “My testimony is to my children and grandchildren, to all of my posterity, 
that this Church called the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, is the only true Church upon the face of the earth and I would exhort all to embrace the same and come unto Christ and continue faithful to the end, that we may stand triumphant before the bar of God.  My hope is in God.  His mercy towards me has been very great.  My heart is full of gratitude and thanksgiving to my Heavenly Father for his great kindness towards me, and that he will continue to have mercy and compassion upon me and my posterity forever and ever and also upon every honest man and woman throughout the whole earth I humbly pray. “

      My hope is the same as Carolines.  I am placing my trust in the will of the Lord. I am striving to  “Look to God and Live,” and embrace and hold strong to that which I know to be true. I love my roots-everyone of them. I am appreciative for those who have walked before me, as well as those who walk beside me now. 
     I want to continue to giggle as I watch rainbows of colors, join in jubilees, family reunions, family nights, and mingle in spontaneous family gatherings.  I believe that families are a gift from God, created for our life’s benefit and growth. God has provided us with the sweet and delicious way to find joy. We will glean truths from one another. 
“a circle of sections, held together but separable - each segment distinct.”  
 I love oranges and the sweetness within, but real juice comes from the squeezing.
Some day each one of us will find ourselves within another slice of heaven’s orange.  Somehow we will all gather and rejoice that we had the gift of one another on earth.  Imagine the reunions we shall have then, and we shall be astounded. 
    For we shall see from Whom, we have come.  Until that time we must strive to create a slice of heaven here on earth...Oh, happy day!  Squeeze on!

Good Sabbath Blessings

Love you all....Shauna


By Shauna V. Brown 

         May I take a moment and say, “Thank you to all who take the time and plant flowers.”  
Our world is a healthier and better place because of the flowers, trees and shrubs within it. 
        Last year my good neighbor and friend, Dan Stewart, stopped by our home to specifically thank us for planting flowers in our yard.  He is a bee keeper by hobby. He informed me that my flowers have been a great blessing to his bees.  I smiled, but then he reaffirmed his appreciation.  “No, I mean it, truly Shauna. You have planted so many flowers that my bees are very busy. Many homes today don’t even have flowers. The popular “Zero landscape” is limiting our honey production. The bees have no where to go.”
 I hadn’t given much thought about my part in honey production. I just knew that I love flowers and how I emotionally thrive when ever I stepped into a garden. Dan then shared the importance of planting a variety of flowers in all colors. He informed me of the different energy levels and patterns contained within each flower. “Vibrations,” he said. I was intrigued as I listened. After which I immediately wanted to go and plant more flowers in my yard.  I wanted to increase the good energy around me. I have since studied a bit further on energy patterns. Everything gives off vibrations. Each of us have our own unique energy and rhythms. Some people give off positive patterns or energy and it is easy to be drawn unto them. While others generate negativity and for the most part people don’t want to be around them for any length of time. They are considered by most-- draining. So literally we are becoming - as to what we surround ourselves with-continually vibrating.
 “All things denote there is a God; yea, even the earth... and its motion, yea, and also all the planets which move in their regular form do witness that there is a Supreme Creator” (Book of Mormon, Alma 30:44). 
Not long ago I learned that trees give off oxygen just before dawn, which wakes up the birds and makes them sing!  I call that masterful!
Do you know that crickets chirp faster when it is hot outside?  Who thought of that?  
Have you listened to a melody and spontaneously started to tear up with emotion? It’s the vibration patterns that are connecting to your heart and spirit.  No surgeon can even stitch that ability.
        Sunsets are a gift that allows the energy of the day to give a welcome entrance to evening, allowing our bodies to automatically change into a state of relaxation. 
   Breathe deeply and let your thoughts take you on a pondering retreat. Allowing your creator to have those moments where once again He can testify of His love and allow his eternal vibrations to mentor your spirit.  
         We are literally surrounded by heavenly and earthly gifts offered by a loving Father in Heaven.  Daily gifts to generate comfort, joy, a sense of peace, even finding the state called “balance”.  Trees are a great source of energy. We all would get healthier, stress less if we would spend more time in groves of trees, gardens of flowers, enjoy cascading rivers of water, and walking barefoot. 
 You all have felt a surge of energy when you have received, or given a bouquet of flowers. Both parties experience an instant sense of vibrating appreciation, and connection.  As we breathe in the fragrance we are enhanced even more by the flowers offering and sacrifice.
The artist Claude Monet was heard to say, “I must have flowers, always, and always.”   He understood the master’s touch.
        Even as I drive to work I shout out a "Thank you" to my unknown neighbors.
"Thank you for the beautiful red roses." 
"I love your dasies!"  
"Thanks for the geraniums!"
"Bless you and your poppies!"

During the Christmas holidays, Dan Stewart returned to our home and handed me a jar of honey. “What goes around, comes around,” he said with a smile. 
I found as I opened the jar of honey there was something even more sweeter as I spread it upon my morning toast. I had without even knowing, played a small part in the production of it. 

    So without even knowing it, what are we vibrating?

Have a great Sabbath

Love and sunshine to all, Shauna


by Shauna V. Brown 

     Recently I signed up for ‘GodTube.’ I know it sounds a little uncomfortable, by name, but I want to stay as connected to God as I can. Hey, if Heavenly Father is communicating by any means I want to know about it!  (smile here )  I have discovered some wonderful Christian messages and music from seeking all sources of light. I am grateful for those who openly share their inspiriting thoughts. All that is good comes from a very loving heavenly family.
     Anyway, I clicked on one of the attached videos and was taken to tears as I listened to a father introduce his young 10 year old son, Christopher Duffley.  As a result of his mother being addicted to drugs he was born premature, blind, and autistic. He was taken out of foster care and then adopted by his aunt and uncle.  The song he sang has played over and over in my mind this morning.  “Open the eyes of my Heart”, by Michael W. Smith.  It’s a simple, repetitive song, but the thought behind the words touched a harmonistic cord of my own heart.  Just imagine a young boy who is blind singings it, and then think about the prayer for all of us. 
Let me share:
Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
Open the eyes of my heart
I want to see You I want to see You

Open the eyes of my heart, Lord    Open the eyes of my heart
I want to see You I want to see You

To see You high and lifted up Shinin’ in the light of Your glory
Pour out Your power and love As we sing holy, holy, holy

Holy, holy, holy         We cry holy, holy, holy
You are holy, holy, holy I want to see you

     I remember as a little girl being told that my grandfather, George Christopher Van Wagenen, was blind in his later life. He died the year before I was born. I recall that upon learning that he was blind, I tied a scarf around my eyes so I couldn’t see. I stumbled and bumped into everything. It was so hard for me to imagine what his life and the life of many living in darkness must be like. From that time on, I have always felt a sensitivity for those who live in a darkened world.  It was difficult as well to watch my own mother lose her vision. I frequently was asked to take her to her eye exams. To realize that her visual world was diminishing was hard for both of us.  Nothing, no doctors or surgery could retain her sight. Yet, though all of her difficulties she remained ever so grateful and positive for what she could see and do. Her love of reading and writing disappeared, and yet she opened her ears to listen to devotionals, beautiful music, as well as give requested council.  I loved hearing her bear her testimony, as it so frequently lifted mine. Mother surrounded herself with good thoughts, daily devotions, and continued prayers of gratitude for the light and love she felt from her Heavenly Father. 
      Everyone who knows me, knows that Helen Keller is a hero of mine, one who is a great example of overcoming challenges.  I have long loved her thoughts and when I heard the song, “Open the Eyes of My Heart, Lord” it made me further reflect upon Helen’s insights: 
The best and most beautiful things in the world 
cannot be seen or even touched. 
They must be felt within the heart.

       Imagine today if you couldn’t see, talk, or hear. Your life would have to make many adjustments. You would have to rely upon those things you once knew and then move forward in faith.  Imagine all the prayers Helen Keller had to make. She could have been bitter, and hated God, but from all my research she believed she was better because of it.  The things that she accomplished in life are miraculous. I’m sure today she and Mama are making the most of their visual blessings.
      We are all meant to have those ‘ah-ha’- open my eye, moments felt within the heart. Moments, that cause a flicker of hope, a lift of possibilities, a flood of gratitude, an overwhelming sense that divinity dwells within each one of us. 
      Sometimes, even though it seems impossible - there are poundings that signal us to change direction, re-evaluate, flee from and run for the light. We can take those stumbling moments and create stepping stones on our pathway. God eagerly removes the scarf from our eyes. We can all know with a surety that Heavenly Father has not left us alone.  We are not meant to walk in darkness, there is hope. Clearly we are surrounded by messages as well as messengers of truth. We just have to listen within the heart,and be open. Life is what we choose!  
       Isn’t it interesting that sometimes all one needs to do is take a walk and ponder, and realize that peace comes within each step. To sit and allow the soft beats to pulse within our hearts and discover the messages are there. To listen to the chirping crickets and realize that their cadence is a call for each of us to align ourselves with our maker. I love taking long baths for I have found there is something in the water that clears my thinking and refreshes my soul.  Good music vibrates my heart strings and with the listening of it, I believe I am tuning into the possibilities of blessings. We are surrounded by wonderful testimonies of God’s love and personal interest.
       I will continue to blow a kiss to God for hearing my prayers and whispering through the voices of angels. Angels who continue to bless and touch my life. Those who have given greater purpose and meaning to fashion my spirit, enhance my vision and strengthen my hope, while helping me to embrace my eternal purpose.  
        My prayer for today, might we all sing:.

Yes,  Open my eyes --- I want to see you.
See my Heavenly Father, and walk with Him someday.

        Let’s open our hearts and reach out to those who might possibly be along our pathway ...who might need to open their eyes, push away the darkness and feel of God's love for them. 

Have a great Sabbath

Blowing Sunshine Kisses,

by Shauna V. Brown 

       Yesterday I attended the baptism of my first born grandson, Sebastian Scott Brown. It seems like yesterday when we gathered together that Christmas morning in the hospital room to join in the celebration of Sebi's birth. 
         I watched as Sebi and his Grandpa Rick stepped into the ‘cold’ baptismal water together.  Upon hearing Sebi sigh, “It’s cold!” Caused me to draw upon the story of my Great Grandfather, John Peter R. Johnson.  Who, upon hearing the doctrines of Jesus Christ, he wanted to be baptized - that very day.  It was a cold December winter in Denmark, and the pond had at least 16 inches of frozen ice upon it. The Elders had to cut a hole in the ice in order for him to be baptized.  I’m sure it was more than cold, and warmth didn’t come easy for that early pioneer. I am so grateful for his example to his posterity, and to me. I am equally grateful that I was taught gospel principles in my childhood home that have given me a firm foundation of trusting in my Heavenly Father and my Savior- Jesus Christ.
I couldn’t help but tear up as we were singing the closing children’s hymn.The words are so simple, but touched the very strings of my heart. I know music is woven into my spirit and my emotions couldn’t be restrained. 

I like to look for rainbows when ever there is rain
and ponder on the beauty of an earth made clean again.

I want my life to be as clean as Earth right after rain
I want to be the best I can,
and live with God again.

I know when I am baptized my wrongs are washed away,
and I can be forgiven and improve myself each day
I want my life to be as clean as Earth right after rain
I want to be the best I can,
and live with God again.

  I have always loved rainbows, sunflowers, billowing fluffy clouds and vivid sunsets. So it should be of note that ever since I was a little girl I wanted to be a ‘sunbeam,’ --to shine for him each day, but most of all   “I want to be the best I can, and live with God again.”
      I love events when families gather together. Grateful for birthdays, baptisms, blessings, and ‘cutting of the cake’ moments. Times when families ‘drop by’ just to say hello, family dinners, and “Girls night out with Papa.” Time to share memories, challenges and times of humble family prayers are soothing to me. I love the times to just gather. 

 As a school child I loved and looked forward to doing the “Hokey-Pokey”.  
You all remember doing it?
You put your right hand in,     You put your right hand out,
You put your right hand in,    And you shake it all about,
You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around
That what it’s all about.
I have found we are caught doing the Hokey-Pokey of life, 
and I know that 
it’s the family - 
.....that’s what it’s all about! 
  I believe putting my whole self into the purpose of having an eternal family is central to the plan of God. Sometimes we do get shaken all about, and turned around and upside down, but when the dance is finished we laugh, smile, and give hugs and kisses. We thank God that we can do the dance--together. We realize that with God our hokey experiences will increase our understanding and our need to rely on Heavenly Father - who is leading His winding followers.
     Yes,  I want to live with God again, but I want to be surrounded by those that I love so much.  I can’t imagine heaven without family. 
My prayer is that we will have the strength to hold out our hands and lift those around us who are trying to figure out if it’s the right hand, or left. If it’s the right path, or when and where to turn. There will come times when we see one another trip and fall, and I want someone who cares to help lift me up and share a giggle or two.  Together we can dust ourselves off and start all over again, it's part of God's plan. 
        The beauty of the Hokey-Pokey, is that we all love doing it. I recall the many times we would beg our school teacher,  “Please, again, let us do it again!”   Frequently she would consent with a knowing smile, “Alright, we’ll do it again.”

   What is life for if we are not created to shake a leg or two?
As long as we turn about and face the direction
 we are meant to go.”          ~ svb

   Let me conclude: Lamentations 3:40
                       Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the Lord.   

Enjoy your Sabbath. 

Miracles Are Happening! 

 by Shauna Brown 

Last night I lay in bed listening to the laughter and the sounds of little feet running down hallways.  I was tired from the long day of sun, sand and water. It had been a perfect day for family fun. 
Framed by billowing white clouds, sapphire blue skies and warm, yes, warm water that  welcomed everyone to come and swim, or at least enjoy a good was perfect. I have a sun burn as well as pink cheeks to prove that I was totally there. It was one of those memory making days when one sits back, relaxes and studies the faces of those you love and wish that everyone you love could be there as well. Perhaps I appreciated it even more when the reality of life and a stunning moment made a lasting impression. 
      Just the day prior a little three year old boy fell through a window in the same condo complex. The condo we were staying in was directly across from where the accident occurred.
He fell from a window three stories high, and landed on the boulders below. News of the accident rippled through the condos where we were vacationing. I watched as people ran to give aid and assistance.  
That very morning I observed the little boy in conversation with his grandfather.  Upon hearing the news, Rick and Steve offered their assistance. Instantly everyones' attention and thoughts were drawn to the family as they rushed about while waiting for the emergency EMTs to arrive. All of us listened to the family as they shared what had happened.  
     From the bedroom in which Rick and I were staying we had a clear view. All of our grandchildren  and a few of the adults gathered atop the bed to observe. Sirens, police officers, EMTs and then the helicopter crew arrived to assist.  Numerous people walked in and out of the condo, some crying, while others seemed fully focused on their job to render medical aid.  After a long wait and getting the little boy stable they carefully carried him to the awaiting gurney and quickly restrained him from any movement.  Within the half hour he was flown to the Primary Children's Hospital.  The only aid we could render was prayer and wishes. .
    Within a matter of moments and the disappearance of the emergency crews, our family were once again taken into play.  “Out of sight -out of mind,”  caused me to pause for thought.  
  The screen was on the window, and yet when the little boy leaned against it - it gave way and he fell. What were we all to learn from this experience?
       “Secure the window,” I hear you say. 
“Don’t let children play by any window three stories high!” 
“Who was watching him?”
   We are never out of sight from our Savior, nor out of mind from His. He knows when we are going to fall, or fall short. He is more than willing to provide the strong screen of protection if we want it.  He has provided a perfect plan. He has left us words, leaders, as well as hand picked angels to guide and direct our lives. 
      It is us who forget. Us, who walks away from things of most importance--thinking all is well. Us, who become too busy to follow or listen. Us, who sometimes starve our spiritual side thinking that someday, somehow, we will be brought back to a remembrance of how vital it is to be alive in Jesus Christ.  
        I was relieved later that evening when news came back from his grandfather that the little fellow was alive and doing much better. He described, “He crushed both knees, broke his fibia, which jammed into his hipbone, as well as broke another bone in his other leg. He said that the doctors were relieved as the tests had come back indicating that there was no spinal or brain injuries." 
        From  my personal observation of where the little lad fell, it was a miracle in deed that he was alive. 
        I believe my pondering thoughts have led me to consider future placement of my feet, my faith, my choices and priorities. 

       I heard a thought not long ago by a punk performer, Hayley Williams. I may not like her pink and orange hair, strange music, but her words ring truth.
    “Sometimes it takes a good fall to really know where you stand.” 
So if falling down, is part of life's experiences-- then getting up, should be equally as important. To know where we are standing is worth it. Hopefully, we shall stand tall. Let’s not hesitate to issue the promise from Heavenly Father to one and all: 
...there I will be also, for I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up.
      We can’t shield everyone from accidents, or poor choices,  but we can help them realize that with God all things are possible --  miracles still happen. 

Happy Sabbath

Fill The World With Love

by Shauna V. Brown 

Last Friday evening Rick and I had the opportunity to go to the conference center in Salt Lake and watch the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, orchestra and guest artist, Katherine Jenkins perform.
    I must say the whole event was an outstanding treat. I was thrilled when I noted the choir would perform one of my favorite songs. It's from the motion picture; Good-bye Mr. Chips staring Peter O'Toole and Petulia Clark.  Just the words alone contain a message of worth. 
                                      Fill The World With Love
                          In the morning of my life I shall look to the sunrise.
At a moment in my life when the world is new.
And the blessing I shall ask is that God will grant me,
To be brave and strong and true, 
And to fill the world with love my whole life through.

And to fill the world with love
And to fill the world with love
And to fill the world with love my whole life through

In the noontime of my life I shall look to the sunshine,
At a moment in my life when the sky is blue.
And the blessing I shall ask shall remain unchanging.
To be brave and strong and true,
And to fill the world with love my whole life through

In the evening of my life I shall look to the sunset,
At a moment in my life when the night is due.
And the question I shall ask only I can answer.
Was I brave and strong and true?
Did I fill the world with love my whole life through?

     So,  it is my prayer that we use our time well. If we go by the lyrics  I am somewhere living in the "afternoon". That's a sobering thought isn't it? Just yesterday I asked myself how many more seasons of summer days will I be able to enjoy. When will my evening come? Perhaps I was taken there in my thoughts as I reviewed the news of friend receiving the medical prognosis that his days are limited. Oh, how much can one pack into the remaining days? 
Imagine,  someday we all shall look back upon this moment of earthly time and see how incredibly scripted it all was. Challenges come, peaceful moments come, highs and lows, humbling moments, and times for happy cheering.  Each moment is filled with a divine purpose. God is the master of our eternal plan.  A plan perfectly designed for each of us. Orchestrated in various ways in order to refine our souls for a greater purpose.   
      Today might we all ponder the part we are playing in order to enrich our lives, as well of those around us. Are we doing all that our loving Father in Heaven has sent us here to do?  I know there is so much more for me to accomplish.   I want to be brave and strong and true and do my part to spread love, truth, and sunshine where ever I may go. I sense that there will be future times ahead where I will need to be brave and true, as well as steadfast and immovable.

Enjoy your Sabbath Day

Love to all

       It's About Time - God's Time

 by Shauna V. Brown 

      Thirty three years ago Rick and I were attending a Saturday night adult session of stake conference. I was listening intently, but took a brief moment to look over at Rick. Tears were streaming down  his cheeks. I was listening to the speaker, but had evidently not been as touched as he was. He then leaned over and whispered “We’re having a baby boy.”  I was eight months pregnant at the time and was excited for the inspired revelation.  The following weeks were filled with preparing my mind for the coming little fellow, trying to think of boys names, as well washing all of the blue baby clothes stored since having Scott some five years prior.   
      So one can only imagine what a shocker it was to deliver a little blue, baby girl. Kristin, who finally came along after ten months. Her urgent arrival demanded a priesthood blessing.  We didn’t have much time to question --girl--boy? We were just grateful that she had arrived. But for a moment I wondered if heaven’s message had gotten mixed up? 
    Two baby girls later, one lengthy miscarriage, numerous priesthood blessings, and during Brittany’s ‘one in a million delivery’, I  found myself instructing two hesitating doctors, “Please, sew me up good ‘cause I’m going to have a baby boy.” Need I tell you that the look on their faces was unforgettable. Amazement - shock - disbelief - stunned, and watching two bobble headed doctors in motion best describe it.
     I believe when the Lord gives a prompted message it is wise to listen. So even if those doctors thought it was best that we didn’t have any more children, Rick and I both knew there was a greater plan and purpose. I am grateful that Rick and I wanted to invite children into our lives. The journey of being sick in bed for months with each, and then their difficult deliveries had it’s divine purposes and drew me closer to God. Briant’s story is personal scripture and trusted revelation.
     I know for a fact that some blessings take time. With all the difficulties with pregnancies it would have been easy to stop, even after Heather, our first. 
    So just as promised, six years latter our little boy--Briant (spelled with an “i” = single to the glory of God) finally arrived.  I smile upon reflection as I envision the picture in my mind.
 1) Rick, proud father standing by the bed holding new baby. 
2) Briant -just moments away from heaven
3)  Rick says aloud,  “Welcome, my little boy!”
    So today, twenty seven years latter-- Happy Birthday Briant!!
 Briant Allen Brown!  We are so thankful that the Lord let us know of your coming. You were well worth the wait, and you continue to be such a blessing to our family.   I guess one could say - you came into a home waiting with anticipated joy.   
      Young Motherhood-- I love this chapter of my life. I admit that there were ups and downs, peppered with  more downs than ups, and more ups when downs, and when the time came it was all worth it.
Life is a matter of trusting in the Lord, and being patient
 in His will and timing.   svb

  Which leads me to ponder upon events where our Heavenly Father knew that someday in the future he would be able to announced to the world, “This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased.” Matt 3:17   
     Imagine those chapters of preparation, pondering, planning, patience, priesthood blessings and example. A time when our Savior had been schooled, tutored, and had succeeded, and sacrificed enough  to accomplish the greatest of all challenges, and bring about the greatest of blessings for all mankind.
   It is within “God’s timing” that great events transpire. 

 Enough time and a tree grows to render shade.
 Enough time and one can form a chair. 
 Still growing and with time enough, one can build a house
 from that old tree.    svb
So what will be ‘enough’ to clarify our time and tutoring with God? 
        We often are so eager to reach the top of the mountain, that we miss the inspiring blooms planted along the rugged ridge.
        So for today. Ponder the purpose of patience and think it might just be part of God’s perfect plan. We all can participate in his 'finishing school' if we so choose.  Events and possibly this event at this very moment in time, this experience, will be counted ‘more than enough’ to us as a blessing to get us to the top and -- Home again.  

   Have a great sabbath!
Love to All