Join in the Jubilee
by Shauna V. Brown
Each summer I have observed home made signs posted along the roadside, frequently there are a couple of balloons attached, and arrows pointing. Some signs are made with paper plates, while others are delightfully hand scripted and bedecked with sparkling glitter. Often the signs are given as directors, but most are announcing the anticipation of the coming reunion. I know you have seen these signs as well: “Jones Family Jamboree,” “Martindales Gathering,” “Johnson Family Reunion,” and just yesterday balloons, banners, music, proclaimed that a gathering was happening for the--
“Van Clan”
It was my turn to join in the fun of Van Wagenen family memories and see the growth within our family. Many of the families had traveled over the river, through the woods to be together. It was fun to observe the growing sight of rainbow colored t-shirts as families one by one arrived. Red, yellow, green, blue, orange, purple each defining which family belonged to whom - within the whole.
“If the family were a fruit, it would be an orange,
a circle of sections, held together but separable -
each segment distinct.” - Letty Cottin Pogrebin
And so it was with our Van Clan Family Reunion 2012 as we gathered at the Draper City Park. Sections of vivid and glorious colors--held together --because we're FAMILY!
To me it seemed like yesterday when those beginning sections of families could all fit around the dining table for a Sunday dinner in Clyde and Genevieve’s home on Parkway Avenue. Now, to accommodate everyone it takes a pavilion filled with tables. I could almost feel heaven giggle with the delight and sight of such a gathering.
In the middle of the Draper Park is a giant tree. It is spectacular in appearance and beauty. It was a most fitting back drop to our family reunion. I marveled as I looked at the numerous branches that reached upward into heaven. It was hard to imagine that it grew from one simple, little seed. Yet, in all reality it is an incredible emblem of ‘family,’ with roots, trunk, branches, leaves, and next generation of possibilities.
As I breathed in the beauty of the tree and thought of my ancestors from which I inherited some of my genes, I was taken to ponder upon the designer of all mankind and creation. Grateful that I know that I am a daughter of His making. Within my heart and soul I know I have divine potential. We all have been given an abundance of inherited, divine genes.
I am realizing as my branches twist and turn in these my seasoned years, I can gain strength from my roots. I am blessed by many examples for which I am grateful. I am thankful that my Mother treasured their lives, their histories and told their stories to me.
When I was thirteen my parents were collecting histories of our ancestors to be published in a book. Mother asked if I might help her with this project. I was just learning to type then and word by word I found myself drawn into their lives. Even at thirteen I was taken to tears as I thought of what many of them faced. I marveled at their challenges and struggles as well as sacrifices. I felt of their pain, as well as their joy.
I shall never forget the moment when I came across the testimony of Caroline Marie Johnson. I felt such strength within her words as I typed. Caroline has frequented my thoughts whenever I have found myself under a blue cloud. I have been gifted on many an occasion to portray Caroline Marie for many groups. I share a small portion of her history with you, so that you might appreciate the gift of an ancestor’s life. [ I took some artistic liberties in the first paragraph to condense her story for stage delivery ]
My life has been filled with sunshine and cloudy days. Long lonely nights, and home filled with laughter, pillows wet from tears and hands worn from daily living. I have battled snakes, mice and grasshoppers, as well as pain. I have danced with the sunrise and sung songs to wee babes. I have learned to appreciate the storms and the peaceful time of spring. I have walked close to God and felt of his love of which I have thanks and praises to give.
“My testimony is to my children and grandchildren, to all of my posterity,
that this Church called the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, is the only true Church upon the face of the earth and I would exhort all to embrace the same and come unto Christ and continue faithful to the end, that we may stand triumphant before the bar of God. My hope is in God. His mercy towards me has been very great. My heart is full of gratitude and thanksgiving to my Heavenly Father for his great kindness towards me, and that he will continue to have mercy and compassion upon me and my posterity forever and ever and also upon every honest man and woman throughout the whole earth I humbly pray. “
My hope is the same as Carolines. I am placing my trust in the will of the Lord. I am striving to “Look to God and Live,” and embrace and hold strong to that which I know to be true. I love my roots-everyone of them. I am appreciative for those who have walked before me, as well as those who walk beside me now.
I want to continue to giggle as I watch rainbows of colors, join in jubilees, family reunions, family nights, and mingle in spontaneous family gatherings. I believe that families are a gift from God, created for our life’s benefit and growth. God has provided us with the sweet and delicious way to find joy. We will glean truths from one another.
“a circle of sections, held together but separable - each segment distinct.”
I love oranges and the sweetness within, but real juice comes from the squeezing.
Some day each one of us will find ourselves within another slice of heaven’s orange. Somehow we will all gather and rejoice that we had the gift of one another on earth. Imagine the reunions we shall have then, and we shall be astounded.
For we shall see from Whom, we have come. Until that time we must strive to create a slice of heaven here on earth...Oh, happy day! Squeeze on!
Good Sabbath Blessings
Love you all....Shauna