Wednesday, September 11, 2013

               Living Deliberately

by Shauna Brown 
     Yesterday I arose early to enjoy a ‘cup of morning.’ A time to breathe deeply the aroma of life.  Sipping the sunlight I took my camera in hand and sought to capture just a portion of my morning’s tableau. Surrounded by blue, blue sky and puffs of white I smiled with gratitude that I could see it all.  Wiggling my toes in freshly watered grass, I whispered, ‘this is heaven.’  I further scanned and snatched more moments to treasure forever-my time on earth.  Truly, within a matter of clicks it was easy to recognize that God is very much involved in smallest of details.
      I was drawn to a large Milkweed plant. I hadn’t seen one for years, but recalled a time when Mama eagerly taught me of it. Picking a large pod off the plant she showed me the thick milky reason for the name, and then popped a large pod wide open. It was magical. Within it revealed thousands of parachutes of silk and seed. She took a handful of the silk and let them drift onto the waves of wind. Thinking of Mama and our precious time together I plucked my own seeds and silk, held them within my hand, “Take one to Mama!” I extended and blew some high into the air. I smiled as I am ever grateful for Mama revealing so many of the masterpieces of God to me. Mama was her own naturalist, lover of life, and always held a deep reverence for all of God’s creations.
         “An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.”  
                        Henry David Thoreau. 
     I pondered as I took my morning walk, what it may have been like for Henry David Thoreau, living day to day in his cabin by Walden Pond. Clearly he was tuned to natures vibrations.         
     As a family years ago we visited Thoreau's Walden Pond.  We walked where he had walked, touched generations of flora, peered within the windows of the small wood cabin and marveled, as such a choice of solidarity could have rendered such wisdom, thoughtful words, illustrations and writings for generations.

             “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; . . . I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life,  
            “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately...”   
    Living deliberately, I like that. Fully focused on ideas, passions, intent and trust in God’s purposes and timing.  
             Just like the Milkweed plant, it grows, the pods develop and the seeds come forth, ripened by the season. Then, when it is time are driven by God’s breath to distant places known to Him.
        We too, are one of God’s marvelous creations and come forth accordingly to His plans and timing. We only have but a moment on this earth’s probationary walk. We must treasure it, enjoy it, and savor each step.
        I believe, we can never have enough pictures.Pictures that validate our time and allow us to recall.  So, go ahead have all the camera moments you wish. Be sure to take one of a baby sleeping, a smile without a tooth, a big yellow sunflower or daisy to remember that “he loves me.”   A sunset, as to kiss goodbye the day.  A birthday cake to remember that life holds seasons. Rosebuds to recall the sweet fragrance.  A morning sunrise that signals possibilities, chubby hands, wrinkled hands, and milkweeds. Yes, the possibilities are endless but eternal. Isn’t life wonderful?  Breathe and lets all live more deliberately!

Enjoy your Sabbath!
Love to All, 

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