Sunday, August 25, 2013

                          Return Flight

by Shauna Brown 

      Often I have looked to the sky and observed pigeons flying overhead unitedly.  Homing pigeons have long been a fascination to me. My interest is peaked as I watch them circle together in formation and then after what looks to be training maneuvers, they return to their pigeon loft and keeper.   I hear no whistles, horns, or voices calling them home.  Yet, their trainer has instilled  within them the desire and will to return. It is through his tender care they develop the ability to locate and fly home.
        As a child I remember learning about how important carried pigeons were in delivering vital messages during World War I. Some birds were traveling thousands of miles through formidable conditions.  Messenger pigeons have been used for thousands of years. In fact, ‘air mail’ came from the term and use of homing pigeons.
     There is a detailed process in training a homing pigeon. Key is that the pigeons are treated kindly, and are fed extremely well.  They love their home. Little by little they are launched carefully into their outside surroundings, but essential to it all, they love to return to safety.  
      There are no tracking devises mounted or stitched within them, no GPS system to lead them back, no sound waves. They return because it is vital to their survival, and they know their trainer.  
     Have you ever felt homesick?   I mean, have you ever wanted to be back to that comfortable, loving spot where heaven takes hold of your heart?  Where you knew you once lived. Knew more of your divine potential?
      I have felt of those homesick moments. I can’t explain them, I only have them on occasion, but they are real. They stimulate pondering moments  and trigger my soul to want to find my way.  To live with my master keeper.
      Unlike the pigeon,  I believe each of us have a divine homing devise held within our hearts. It’s an innate feeling of purpose, unconditional love and eternal acceptance. It's real. We,individually, are the only ones who can disconnect it.
       I have thought often about our Heavenly Father who, when sending us into the world prayed and continually hopes that we will find our way back.
        I love that thought. God knows even when a sparrow falls. His interest and love is keenly aware of each one of us. His desire is to hold us once more within his hands.

        Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not
        fall on the ground without your Father.            Matthew 10:29

        Imagine as God observes : Will the wind storms of life send us swirling in the gusted clouds of doubt and uncertainty? Will distractions of the world and voices cause us to veer and deviate off course? Will we be tempted?
        Or, will he delight as he watches us fly higher, steadfastly seeking for the light. We harken and  journey forward with faith and trust.  He smiles, as we remember :

        Matthew 11:25  Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden ,
        and I will give you rest . Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me;
        for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.   

   Enjoy your Sabbath
    Love Shauna   

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