Dinner is Served
by Shauna Brown
A couple of days ago my son asked an interesting question, “If you could have dinner with anyone famous, who has passed on, other than Jesus Christ, who would you invite?
My mind was instantly set to thinking. Who would I want to invite? What questions would I ask? Would I be able to carry on a conversation with them? At first I thought of women: Helen Keller, Anne Frank, Emma Smith, Abigail Adams, Louisa May Alcott, Florence Nightingale, Joan of Arc, Cleopatra, Miriam - sister to Moses, Corrie Ten Boone, were among the top of my list. Then I considered the men: Joseph Smith, Walt Disney, George Washington, Beethoven, Ronald Reagan, CS Lewis, Wilford Woodruff, Parley P. Pratt and that list continued to grow.
“That is so difficult,” I said in response. “As there are so many I would love to visit with. But, I must admit I felt a little uncomfortable with even the thought. Oh, I had read a few books on several of them, and studied a handful of their lives, but to have them sit at my table? What would we talk about?
One Christmas our family got a book case as a gift from Santa. I was surprised at the number of books that found a home upon the shelves. Among them was an old worn book by Dale Carnegie, How to Win Friends and Influence People.
As I opened the book I immediately saw pages dog-eared, sentences underlined, and jotted notations in the margins. I assumed my parents must have read it several times. Clearly, impressions had been generated in both of my parents as I remember being taught that Dale Carnegie had said ‘that everyone has a special gift or talent that makes them outstanding.’ He said ‘if you want to make friends and influence people, look for their special gift and then tell them about it.’ Give them a compliment.
Compliments. One word - yet it seems we compli-cate it. Why is it that so many people receive so few of them? Are we so busy, so preoccupied that telling someone a simple thoughtful compliment isn’t necessary. Will it go unappreciated? Does it make one feel lesser?
So, I pondered how it might be sitting at the table with Corrie ten Boone, and imagined how I would express my appreciation for her sweet words and influence left upon my heart. How touched I was by her testimony of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and her messages of forgiveness. Within a matter of moments I thought of a pocketful of compliments I could express. Just thinking about it makes me smile. I hope she knows, as I just blew off a few kisses to heaven.
Thank You, Dale Carnegie, for seeking to guide our thoughts and see the value in a genuine compliment, and expressing words of appreciation.
Oh, I would welcome a visit, a simple dinner, with everyone listed, as I believe I would leave the table filled with greater appreciation for their experiences, insight and wisdom. Even though, most of my chosen few didn’t breathe within the same period of time, our hearts have touched through words and their acts. Because of them I have been allowed to open my eyes, and enlarge my heart by their living.
Listen, this is perfect:
“This is what the past is for! Every experience God gives us, every person
He puts in our lives is the perfect preparation for the future that only
He can see.” Corrie ten Boom, The Hiding Place
Have a good Sabbath
Love Always,
My table is set and ready for a visit.
Sunday's With Shauna
Saturday, January 24, 2015
by Shauna Brown
Placed upon the window seal in my office rests a wooden plaque with one simple word, Believe.
I shall for ever remember the day my mother returned home from the music store. I was pretty little then, maybe five or six years old. Mother was eager to play some new songs that she had recently heard on the radio. I’m sure I was excited, as I loved to sit beside her and sing. She pulled out the bench and invited me to come and sing it with her. I watched her as she opened up the sheet music and placed it on the piano. I know I wasn’t old enough to read, so I listened as she sang the words aloud.
I believe for every drop of rain that falls,
a flower grows.
I believe that somewhere in the darkest night,
a candle glows.
I believe for everyone who goes astray,
someone will come to show the way,
I believe, I believe.
I believe, above the storm, the smallest prayer will still be heard.
I believe that someone in the great somewhere hears every word.
Everytime I hear a new born baby cry, or touch a leaf, or see the sky,
then I know why I believe!
I fell in love with the song, I Believe. I would have her play it again and again, until I recall her having to say, “That’s enough Shauna for one day.”
Evidently, “I Believe,” spoke to my soul, as I know from that day on I didn’t look at rain in the same way. I tried to pray more often even though I couldn’t hear God answer me, yet, I felt he listened, even the ‘smallest prayer would be heard’.
I love the simple phrases that make me look around and realize that what I believe in --is essential. I believe in Jesus Christ, and that He came to this earth to bless lives and make eternal life possible for all. I believe our Father in Heaven is very interested in each and every person. To some, that might sound impossible, but I have learned for myself that I have been placed here and now for purposes beyond my understanding.
I don’t need to wander in the darkest night, as I know who is the Light.
Imagine the impact it had upon me when Mother pulled from the brown paper sack another new piece of music, entitled: HE.
He can turn the tides and calm the angry sea;
He alone decides who writes a symphony;
He lights every star that makes the darkness bright;
He keeps watch all through each long and lonely night;
He still finds the time to hear a child’s first prayer;
Saint or sinner calls and always finds him there.
Though it makes him sad to see the way we live,
He’ll always say, “I forgive.”
He can grant a wish or make a dream come true;
He can paint the clouds and turn to gray the blue;
He alone is there to find a rainbow’s end;
He alone can see what lies beyond the bend;
He can touch a tree and turn the leaves to gold;
He knows every lie that you and I have told.
Though it makes him sad to see the way we live,
He’ll always say, “I forgive.”
Melodies and memories of music filling my childhood home are sacred to me. Music touches the heart strings of my spirit. If I could step back in time I would scoot a little closer to Mama on the bench, and sing and sing until my voice could no longer render a note. I even would sit still happily and listen to my brothers play Bless This House, on their trumpets for the umpteenth time, because I truly know how blessed our house was.
I would want more beautiful music to fill the world and vibrate within the souls of those seeking for the light.
I Believe --- It is God, who does turn tides and calm the angry sea, touches the blind, heals the sick, mends a broken heart, can carry one when it looks impossible to walk on. BELIEVE - it’s a beautiful word with an eternal purpose and invitation.
Oh, the great lessons I learned while sitting upon a piano bench with Mama.
Love always,
Divine Transparancy
by Shauna Brown
Somedays I love to sit quietly, and let thoughts cascade through my mind. I smile as I continually marvel that just in that simple act I am filled with more appreciation. I begin to see my purpose more clearly, and then life takes on a greater meaning. I believe I even love more deeply. Perhaps, it’s because I realize more today how fragile life can be. I see how real the seasons are, and they pass too quickly.
I find I need to be more quiet, turn down the music, turn off the phone, and just for a few moments take that much needed pause, and enjoy a conversation of divine transparancy. I have found I am more filled and ready to face the coming days.
It feels like yesterday, as I sat upon a bench at Thanksgiving Point, surrounded by God’s bouquets, taking time to enjoy and savor the uniqueness of the blossoms. Each pedal so perfect to the touch. I savored the brillance of the colors. God’s palet is incredible! I must treasure my time. For I realized that with the coming season they would fade and fall.
While sitting on the bench a little bug crawled upon my stage, and I followed him. I watched as he wiggled under a fallen blossom. The pedal jiggled and twittered with the movement of my little friend. I could not see him, but knew he was there. That moment made me think of God. I cannot see Him either, yet I know He is there, watching me. Gratefully, there are tender mercies and moments in my life that testify of His awareness of me.
I am taken in thought this very moment to a time long time ago. I was but a child then, maybe six years old. It was late one night. I had said my prayers with mother, and crawled into bed. I continued to think about my prayer, and how can God know me. I thought of all the children in the world, and their parents kneeling with them and praying. How can he even hear that prayer? Wouldn’t it be so confusing? Would my prayer get mixed up with someone elses? Was there a giant telephone company with operators connecting the prayer thoughts? It worried me so much. I wanted to know if He could hear me, understand me? I stayed awake for a long, long time. I remember even crying as I wanted an answer right then. It didn’t come.
Looking back, I’m sure God must have giggled, as I wiggled and squirmed under the blankets for comfort that night. Listening to a young girl’s heart who was reaching out to know Him. I can only imagine His smile, but I know it was there.
Even now, I don’t know how our Father in Heaven knows to respond to our needs, and answer our prayers, but I know He does.
Might we sit more frequently, and ponder upon God’s love and will for each of us.
“ It is with a pondering heart that one can feel
more deeply of gratitude.” - Shauna
Enjoy your Sabbath
Love Always
by Shauna Brown
Somedays I love to sit quietly, and let thoughts cascade through my mind. I smile as I continually marvel that just in that simple act I am filled with more appreciation. I begin to see my purpose more clearly, and then life takes on a greater meaning. I believe I even love more deeply. Perhaps, it’s because I realize more today how fragile life can be. I see how real the seasons are, and they pass too quickly.
I find I need to be more quiet, turn down the music, turn off the phone, and just for a few moments take that much needed pause, and enjoy a conversation of divine transparancy. I have found I am more filled and ready to face the coming days.
It feels like yesterday, as I sat upon a bench at Thanksgiving Point, surrounded by God’s bouquets, taking time to enjoy and savor the uniqueness of the blossoms. Each pedal so perfect to the touch. I savored the brillance of the colors. God’s palet is incredible! I must treasure my time. For I realized that with the coming season they would fade and fall.
While sitting on the bench a little bug crawled upon my stage, and I followed him. I watched as he wiggled under a fallen blossom. The pedal jiggled and twittered with the movement of my little friend. I could not see him, but knew he was there. That moment made me think of God. I cannot see Him either, yet I know He is there, watching me. Gratefully, there are tender mercies and moments in my life that testify of His awareness of me.
I am taken in thought this very moment to a time long time ago. I was but a child then, maybe six years old. It was late one night. I had said my prayers with mother, and crawled into bed. I continued to think about my prayer, and how can God know me. I thought of all the children in the world, and their parents kneeling with them and praying. How can he even hear that prayer? Wouldn’t it be so confusing? Would my prayer get mixed up with someone elses? Was there a giant telephone company with operators connecting the prayer thoughts? It worried me so much. I wanted to know if He could hear me, understand me? I stayed awake for a long, long time. I remember even crying as I wanted an answer right then. It didn’t come.
Looking back, I’m sure God must have giggled, as I wiggled and squirmed under the blankets for comfort that night. Listening to a young girl’s heart who was reaching out to know Him. I can only imagine His smile, but I know it was there.
Even now, I don’t know how our Father in Heaven knows to respond to our needs, and answer our prayers, but I know He does.
Might we sit more frequently, and ponder upon God’s love and will for each of us.
“ It is with a pondering heart that one can feel
more deeply of gratitude.” - Shauna
Enjoy your Sabbath
Love Always
Friday, December 26, 2014
by Shauna Brown
by Shauna Brown
During church today I was impressed as the speaker spoke of the importance of not only having a testimony of Jesus Christ, but the value of sharing it often and openly with others. That was really interesting as last night I dreamed I was giving a talk about Jesus Christ to a congregation of prisoners. They were all dressed alike in cranberry jump suits. Some were clean shaven while others had distasteful words tattooed upon their faces, which was most disturbing.
Now, in real life I have spoken in prison. During those experiences I was shown great respect by those in attendance. However, in my dream last night, as I looked at this ‘very real congregation,’ I could feel a brewing of hatred, eyes that despised. Sadly as I spoke I had to endure, and even pause to regain composure, as a few of the group voiced aloud filthy language that made me anxious. So disruptive they became that several times a couple of inmates were removed from the room.
I had prepared my talk well I thought, and as I sought to testify of Jesus and my love for him, a young man yelled out, “What do you really know of Jesus Christ?” It was then that my heart took hold of the stirring moment and I felt my heart pound heavy. I couldn’t talk, and for a brief time my emotions freely let go, and the tears rolled down my cheeks. Before my eyes a flood of tender mercies paraded through my mind. I placed the pages of my prepared talk upon the podium, and stepped closer to the congregation. A guard drew closer, but I didn’t feel afraid.
“What do I really know of Jesus Christ?” I answered slowly, while looking directly at the inmate who hosted a smirk on his face.
“I know that Jesus Christ knows me perfectly. Knows my name, knows what I fear. He knows what I feel in my heart. Knows what makes me happy. I then shared some personal, real life experiences that had drawn me to Jesus Christ. Moments when I had stretched forth all of my heart and soul to heaven for answers, and for help.
I remember feeling, like I had a great power to testify to those incarcerated. My dream was so real, so poignant and purposeful.
Was it coincidental that the speaker talked of bearing testimony today? Was it by chance that I dreamed of such an experience last night? Could it be important that I look closer at my feelings, and the strength of my testimony and belief in God, in the plan of salvation, in a life after this. Am I doing all that can to fortify it, and define it?
Prior to my Mother’s 80th birthday celebration. I put together a book about her life. I asked her to share her testimony for her posterity. I smile, just remembering how she would call me on the phone several times a day prior to her party, and say something like this, “Shauna, will you add this to my testimony?” “I have a few more thoughts,” “Can you add this as well?” I finally had to give her a deadline. As I reviewed her written words concerning her love for Jesus Christ, and her belief in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints I felt such a warmth, and brightness of her words.
Even though Mama has been gone fourteen years her words are powerful and true, and shall be forever a bright light and testimony.
When I think of my Savior, Heavenly Father, and the Holy Ghost I am humbled, grateful that I know and feel that I am of great value to them. I learned for myself of their love and interest in my life and eternal purpose.
As far as my dream, it was timely. Perhaps there are those who are prisoners of their thoughts, held hostage by their past, afraid of the dark, and afraid of the light. I need to stand ready to reach out, light the candle of faith and open their imprisoned beliefs--to testify and let the light of Christ warm their souls.
Thursday, December 11, 2014
by Shauna Brown
Years ago my sweetheart and I were blessed to visit China. We marveled at all of the ancient sites. We saw the
Terracotta Warriors, the Great Wall of China, The ForbiddenCity, Imperial Gardens, Panda Bears in their natural habitat. We floated down the Yangtze River, we stood in Tiananmen Square, we visited numerous Pagodas which symbolize the nuance of Buddhism. My mind was flooded with interest as I observed the people, their homes, their sacred idols, statutes and learned of their beliefs.
Traveling by bus we were greatly blessed to have a young female tour guide, Mei-Hua, who was very interesting, informative and eager to share her culture with us.
There were hundreds of temples and pagodas. When discussing Buddhism she shared that it was mainly a philosophy or ‘way of life’. When asked about God she made a statement that I must admit took me by surprise. She pointed to her head and simply said, “I have no space for God.”
“No space for God ?” Those seated around her were clearly interested and attentive. She then shared that she had never heard of Jesus Christ, or a Heavenly Father. The space within her mind concerning God was simply -- empty. She had been raised to live by the teachings of Taoism and Buddha. Her statement. ‘No space for Jesus Christ,’ has forever rested upon my mind and heart.
Here was a young Chinese girl who spoke clear and fluent English. She was well educated and made a good living being a tour guide. I admired her abilities and skills. Yet, in our conversation I must admit I was taken back as she had little interest, if any, in even learning of Jesus Christ. Her mind was closed and empty to the possibility of truth.
Prior to going to China I had traveled to Japan and Korea several times. I studied the beliefs of Buddhism, Tao, and Confucianism. These three beliefs constitute the “three teachings”, or philosophical framework which shaped Chinese culture. Some of their own scholars suggest that “thought systems”, is a more appropriate term than ‘religion,’ as to what the people believe and follow. I must admit I like some of Buddha’s thoughts.
Another ancient and famous story also speaks of ‘no room’ for Jesus,-- no room in the inn. Was Mei-Hua, another kind of innkeeper in today’s world? Quickly closing the window or door to any kind of discussion, interest or understanding of Jesus Christ?
I noted in my journal and wrote in bold letters concerning this experience: “Seek His face, to fill your space.”
Oh, how grateful I am that my heart is full, my mind filled with love and appreciation for Jesus. My door to Jesus Christ is open. I want to invite him in each and everyday. Jesus, himself said:
“Learn of me, and listen to my words; walk in the meekness
of my Spirit, and you shall have peace in me” (D&C 19:23).
I have thought frequently upon that experience with the young tour guide, Mei-Hua, and have wondered how many people are walking the face of this earth and are ‘empty’ or closed to any thought of him. How many are content to remain in darkness?
I am sure there too, are those who are eagerly waiting for the light. Waiting for someone to share it with them.
Grateful I am for the greater light that pierced the darkness and brought truth to follow. I rejoice in Christ. I know He is the gift for all mankind.
Open up your heart, your mind, and rejoice along with me, that He lives, our Savior lives!
“Each of us is an innkeeper who decides if there is room for Jesus!”
~ Elder Neal A. Maxwell
Enjoy your Sabbath!
Love Always,
Sunday, November 30, 2014
by Shauna Brown
Digging to the bottom of a plastic Christmas box I was excited to see them once again. Years ago I purchased three large letters - YJO. When the letters are mixed up they don’t make sense, but when the letters are placed in the correct order=JOY, it can mean so much more. Within minutes I had them placed them in a predominant location for all to see. JOY!
JOY! I smile as a parade of thoughts march through my mind. What brings joy to me? Dancing in the kitchen with my sweetheart, peanut butter kisses, pigtails, crystal prisms, sunrises, praying children, peaches, sunsets, rainbows, daisies, giggling children, red patent leather shoes, pictures of my posterity, pom poms, star stickers, bumble bees, full tank of gas, yellow balloons, hugs, hankies to name just a few. Why, we even nick -named one of our daughters “BJ” meaning “Brings Joy.” She has lived up to that name foresure.
However, in case you think I have forgotten, and leading the parade, is Jesus Christ. He continues to bring JOY.
Last Sunday I spoke in church and started off by singing a hymn, one that Rick sings around our home on occasions. He learned it when he was a Methodist boy. It makes me smile when he bursts into singing it. I rejoice in the message of JOY that it brings to me, and those within our home, and those throughtout the world.
Oh! say, but I’m glad, I’m glad,
Oh! say, but I’m glad;
Jesus has come and my cup’s overrun;
Oh! say, but I’m glad.
Wonderful, marvelous things He brings,
Into a heart that’s sad;
Through darkest tunnels a soul can sing,
Oh! say, but I’m glad.
My cup is full and bursting over with JOY because of Christ. He has come, and I rejoice.
In the scriptures Ammon shares his feelings of joy: Alma 26: 11
“My JOY is full, yea, my heart is brim with JOY and I will rejoice in my God. Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my god, for in his strength I can do all things..”
‘Brim with joy,’ ‘ for in His strenght I can do all things!’
Let me stand and clearly testify that I love Jesus Christ, and I too have learned that nothing is impossible when it comes to turning one’s life over to him. My cup is over flowing with gratitude for Jesus Christ, my Heavenly Father and all that continues to pour into my life.
I was watching an interview of a talented violinist, Lindsey Stirling, LDSface2face, when she made a comment that touched my heart. ‘Jesus Christ was rejected by his own. He is still rejected to this day.’
Wow! When everyone of us should stand, shout praises that Jesus has come...bringing eternal joy and possibilities.
Have you checked your cup lately? Is it full? Brimming over? You think it is empty?
I say, “Look again!”
“Man is that he might have JOY!”
EnJOY your Sabbath
Love Always,
Sunday, November 16, 2014
the value of work was at times challenging, and even daunting. Over the years I created an array
of job charts, incentives and motivational materials with all hope to generate success in completing an assigned responsibility. I would use fun names such as, Kitchen Kaptain, Bathroom Butler, Duster Buster, Family room Phantom, in hopes they could use their imagination while learning how to implement the skills within the jobs expectations. One can’t imagine how many stickers, stars and stamps I used. We had “Gold Rush Days,” “ Golden Turtle Awards,” “ Swarming,”
“ Friday Night Specials” and such, to add a little variety.
While taking my “shower- power time”, this morning I pondered upon the incentive chart that I am in need of at this time of my life. There’s got to be more than a Golden Turtle at the end of the road for me. What kind of incentives must I use as my motivation to complete tasks, and goals, and even to set them? I wonder, ‘shouldn’t I have outgrown the need’ ? Evidently not, as I continually find myself jotting down ideas, and starting new goals, and it isn’t even New Years.
“Dust Buster” doesn’t seem nearly as pressing to me today, as I allow the spiders to make their creative web designs in the corners of my rooms. However, I find I am more concerned about the cobwebs in the corners of my mind. I wonder have I let dust gather, are my talents lying dormant, or sadly undiscovered? Let me give you a clearer visual:
I remember sitting on the church bench, as a young child on a Sunday Morning. The speaker was sharing the Parable of the Talents found in Matthew 25. I listened as he talked about the two servants who used the talents that the master had given them. I felt sorry for the third servant who was lazy and did not work and wasted the talent while the others multiplied their gifts. I envisioned the third servant digging in the dirt and burying his talent. I thought how foolish he was. I didn’t want to become a person who merely dug a hole and hid the talent so that it wouldn’t be lost.
I frequently ask myself if I am developing the talents that God has placed within me. To know, to do, and how I might become a usable instrument for God for good has been important to me. You see, I still believe as I did as a child that I don’t want to return to my maker and realize that I totally overlooked, and even in some cases buried my gifts, perhaps even the talent that He needed me to use the most.
Years ago I read a great quote of Erma Bombeck, who was a skilled and creative writer, and humorist. Her thought hit my heart.
“When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, ‘I used everything you gave me.” ~ Erma Bombeck
So this day I am going to make another job and talent chart. Upon it I will highlight those talents I believe that matter most to God. Love my neighbor, Love myself, Serve others, Spread sunshine, Listen more, Hug more, Pray more, Believe more, Learn more, Stand up more often. .. I can see it’s going to be a big chart, even a poster board size this time around. I’m going to use stars, glitter stars, to show my success, and if it sparkles by the end of the month I’ll get a tattoo. [ just kidding!]
Knowing that each of us has been granted gifts from God to make life better, I want to untie the bows, pop the lid and eagerly discover and use each one. No time for cobwebs!
“Our talents are the gift that God gives to us... What we make of our talents is our gift back to God” ~ Leo Buscaglia
Have a great Sabbath
Love Always,
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