Saturday, January 24, 2015

             Divine Transparancy

by Shauna Brown 

       Somedays I love to sit quietly, and let thoughts cascade through my mind. I smile as I continually marvel that just in that simple act I am filled with more appreciation. I begin to see my purpose more clearly, and then life takes on a greater meaning.  I believe I even love more deeply. Perhaps, it’s because I realize more today how fragile life can be. I see how real the seasons are, and they pass too quickly. 
       I find I need to be more quiet, turn down the music, turn off the phone, and just for a few moments take that much needed pause, and enjoy a conversation of divine transparancy. I have found I am more filled and ready to face the coming days.
     It feels like yesterday, as I sat upon a bench at Thanksgiving Point, surrounded by God’s bouquets, taking time to enjoy and savor the uniqueness of the blossoms. Each pedal so perfect to the touch. I savored the brillance of the colors. God’s palet is incredible!  I must treasure my time. For I realized that with the coming season they would fade and fall.
      While sitting on the bench a little bug crawled upon my stage, and I followed him. I watched as he wiggled under a fallen blossom. The pedal jiggled and twittered with the movement of my little friend. I could not see him, but knew he was there. That moment made me think of God. I cannot see Him either, yet I know He is there, watching me. Gratefully, there are tender mercies and moments in my life that testify of His awareness of me.
       I am taken in thought this very moment to a time long time ago. I was but a child then, maybe six years old. It was late one night.  I had said my prayers with mother, and crawled into bed. I continued to think about my prayer, and how can God know me. I thought of all the children in the world, and their parents kneeling with them and praying. How can he even hear that prayer? Wouldn’t it be so confusing? Would my prayer get mixed up with someone elses? Was there a giant telephone company with operators connecting the prayer thoughts?  It worried me so much. I wanted to know if He could hear me, understand me? I stayed awake for a long, long time.  I remember even crying as I wanted an answer right then. It didn’t come. 
     Looking back, I’m sure God must have giggled, as I wiggled and squirmed under the blankets for comfort that night. Listening to a young girl’s heart who was reaching out to know Him. I can only imagine His smile, but I know it was there. 
    Even now, I don’t know how our Father in Heaven knows to respond to our needs, and answer our prayers, but I know He does. 
      Might we sit more frequently, and ponder upon God’s love and will for each of us.

    “ It is with a pondering heart that one can feel
         more deeply of gratitude.” - Shauna

     Enjoy your Sabbath
    Love Always


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