Thursday, December 11, 2014

         by Shauna Brown 

          Years ago my sweetheart and I were blessed to visit China. We marveled at all of the ancient sites. We saw the 
Terracotta Warriors, the Great Wall of China, The ForbiddenCity, Imperial Gardens, Panda Bears in their natural habitat. We floated down the Yangtze River, we stood in Tiananmen Square, we visited numerous Pagodas which symbolize the nuance of Buddhism.  My mind was flooded with interest as I observed the people, their homes, their sacred idols, statutes and learned of their beliefs. 
Traveling by bus we were greatly blessed to have a young female tour guide, Mei-Hua, who was very interesting, informative and eager to share her culture with us.  
   There were hundreds of temples and pagodas. When discussing Buddhism she shared that it was mainly a philosophy or ‘way of life’.  When asked about God she made a statement that I must admit took me by surprise. She pointed to her head and simply said,  “I have no space for God.”  
     “No space for God ?” Those seated around her were clearly  interested and attentive.  She then shared that she had never heard of Jesus Christ, or a Heavenly Father. The space within her mind concerning God was simply -- empty.  She had been raised to live by the teachings of  Taoism and Buddha. Her statement. ‘No space for Jesus Christ,’ has forever rested upon my mind and heart.
        Here was a young Chinese girl who spoke clear and fluent English. She was well educated and made a good living being a tour guide. I admired her abilities and skills. Yet, in our conversation I must admit I was taken back as she had little interest, if any, in even learning of Jesus Christ.  Her mind was closed and empty to the possibility of truth.
Prior to going to China I had traveled to Japan and Korea several times. I studied the beliefs of Buddhism, Tao, and Confucianism. These three beliefs constitute the “three teachings”, or philosophical framework which shaped Chinese culture.  Some of their own scholars suggest that “thought systems”, is a more appropriate term than ‘religion,’ as to what the people believe and follow. I must admit I like some of Buddha’s thoughts.  
       Another ancient and famous story also speaks of ‘no room’ for Jesus,--  no room in the inn. Was Mei-Hua, another kind of innkeeper in today’s world?  Quickly closing the window or door to any kind of discussion, interest or understanding of Jesus Christ? 
        I noted in my journal and wrote in bold letters concerning this experience:     “Seek His face, to fill your space.” 
Oh, how grateful I am that my heart is full, my mind filled with love and appreciation for Jesus. My door to Jesus Christ is open. I want to invite him in each and everyday. Jesus, himself said:
“Learn of me, and listen to my words; walk in the meekness 
of my Spirit, and you shall have peace in me” (D&C 19:23).

I have thought frequently upon that experience with the young tour guide, Mei-Hua, and have wondered how many people are walking the face of this earth and are ‘empty’ or closed to any thought of him. How many are content to remain in darkness? 
I am sure there too, are those who are eagerly waiting for the light. Waiting for someone to share it with them. 
Grateful I am for the greater light that pierced the darkness and brought truth to follow.  I rejoice in Christ. I know He is the gift for all mankind. 
Open up your heart, your mind, and rejoice along with me, that He lives, our Savior lives!  

“Each of us is an innkeeper who decides if there is room for Jesus!” 
  ~ Elder Neal A. Maxwell

Enjoy your Sabbath!
Love Always,

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