Last Friday afternoon a young mother entered my office. She was concerned about the numerous times her two daughters had missed seminary. I quickly pulled up their attendance records. It was instantly clear that something had occurred during the last couple of months. I counted the days. I looked into the face of the young mother. “We’ve got some work to do,” I said with a smile, but can be done." With a clear sense of regret she said, “I’m going through a divorce, and it has been a difficult time for all of us. I’ve got seven young children and each are handling the separation in a variety of ways.” Excusing the absences was simple. With just a click of the mouse the missing days were changed. “That was easy,” she said. I explained how the girls could complete make up work. "Wish I could fix life that fast," the young mother responded. I then asked what she was doing to remain so positive during such a trying time. She smiled even bigger and shared: “I have discovered that no matter what, I forgive. I forgive him as quickly as I can. I forgive him for the mean text messages. I forgive him for not seeing the children like he said he would. I forgive him for his poor choices. I am teaching my children to forgive him quickly and then the hurt doesn’t stay as long. I won’t be held down by his choices.” Then she added, “ You know what?” A sweet smile found place, “ I have discovered we can live in peace.” Her outlook was positive as she said, “The Lord has helped me. A few months before my husband left us I literally fell into an opportunity to be a translator. I can work from home and be with my family. I know God is watching over us.” This young woman had come to a dark moment in her life and had chosen to seek the light. She had done just as Apostle Paul wrote to the Romans: 13:12 The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. I couldn’t see her armour, but I could sense she was aware of it. From her brightness I could rejoice with her as she moved forward with confidence and trust in Christ. She was leading her little band of seven. Onward good soldier! “Good cheer is a state of mind or mood that promotes happiness or joy... With God’s help, good cheer permits us to rise above the depressing present or difficult circumstances. It is a process of positive reassurance and reinforcement. It is sunshine when clouds block the light.” ~ Marvin J. Ashton I liked her message for me and for all of us : FORGIVE QUICKLY. Say you’re sorry. Write it off for experience. Let it go. Apologize and accept apology. Choose the better. “Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.” Mark Twain Don’t you love the smell of violets? Good things are happening! Breathe in and enjoy the peace. Especially this Sabbath day. Love to all, Shauna p.s. FORGIVE my spelling mistakes - I do make them on occasion. |
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