Tuesday, October 23, 2012

                     Sip and Slip

by Shauna Brown 

       I giggled  up a memory just now as I put on my black silky slip. Memories are a gift from God to make us reflect upon a moment of learning. Sometimes even to generate another giggle. 
    The following experience happened several years ago when I was serving in a leadership church calling. It was going to be a full day of giving talks at three different wards.  
    Earlier I had been spending  time in the preparation in writing the different talks and found myself rushing about to get ready. As I pulled on my slip that morning I felt an impression that the elastic in my slip was becoming weak.  I even had the impression that perhaps I should wear another slip.  I remember looking at the clock and made the quick decision to ‘girl up my loins’ and fresh courage take, and rushed to my first meeting.  
     Everything was going well, I had finished giving two of my talks and just had one more to go.  
     Arriving a bit early for the last meeting I noted the hallway was crowded with people waiting as well.  Many people gave me a warm welcome and I felt a sense of confidence. I had just a few minutes before I would give my next talk and thought it was a good time to get that needed pause for thoughtful review of words as well as a drink of water.  While standing at the drinking fountain,enjoying the cold water I felt a rush from beneath my dress. All of a sudden my slip literally fell to the ground. Eyes were upon me.  I felt a touch of panic. I could visualize the black puddle of silk surrounding my ankles. My face instantly took on a hot flush. I could only imagine all the looks on faces, “What is she going to do?” Would they brake out in laughter? I knew if I tried to run I would probably trip, fall and land flat on my face. It was then I felt a flash of inspiration. ‘Simply step out of it! ‘ I didn’t even pause, question or hesitate this prompting. I did just as instructed and then with a quick scooping motion I retrieved my slip and quickly stuffed it into my bag.  It was almost like a dance in motion. I even marveled at my guick movement and disposal.  I then scanned the hallway and smiled. Knowing full well that some had been a witness to my ‘slippage’. Everyone acted as if they hadn’t noticed, and if they did they never said anything about it. But in my heart the great reveal was another moment of my personal understanding that “God is very much aware of us.... even down to the details of a falling slip.
      “Simply step out of it.”   Those words empowered me. Simple as it seemed, I could have become mortified, embarrassed, frozen and frazzled.  Yet, gratefully, I did step up and step away from allowing it to trigger a greater moment of embarrassment.
The great Olympian, Nadia Comaneci, stated, “I don’t run away from 
a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only
 way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet.”

All right, the falling of my slip wasn’t exactly a fear filled challenge in my life, and I in no way took the time to trample the slip beneath my feet. But, at that moment I inwardly questioned,  “Who saw me?”  “ Are they laughing at me?” So I smiled and took another big gulp of water and prayed that my nylons would stay put. ‘Cause heaven only knows what a feeling it is to have your panty hose roll down your legs.  I won't even tell you of that story. Just realize I know how it feels.  So the best remedy of such a situation is a simple smile.
 We all need to learn not to take ourselves too seriously.  Anyhow accidents and the unexpected happen happen.  It’s how we handle those moments that makes the difference. 
     But who whispered those words?  “Step out!” 
     If their are guardian angels, who sent them? Knowing that my Heavenly Father was aware of my circumstance has given me much appreciation.
        There are moments and times when we all should “simply step out of it.” Step out of situations, habits and addictions that will ultimately bring us down and cause us to think less of ourselves. Step away from, run from, push away, what ever it takes to enjoy the gift of divine self mastery.
      For a few of us it might mean giving up a good friend, Dr. Pepper. For another it’s braking the habit of watching ‘soaps.’  Reading romance novels weekly is a constant attraction for a good friend of mine. Shopping and spending too much?  Glued to the television or computer? Is Facebook seeing more of your face? It’s not that these things are bad ...but too much of anything--especially éclairs, can make more than a puddle around our ankles and inhibit our progression. No matter what our ‘slippage’ is we need to take heart and hope, and know that with time we can make those needed changes. I have observed the tendency for ‘slippage’ as I ponder the thought of Goethe.
                        Things which matter most must never be at the 
                       mercy of things which matter least.   
                                               Johann Wolfgang Von  Goethe
      The first feeling within my heart as I felt my slip rest upon my shoes.... “I didn’t listen to the Holy Ghost. I was too busy to put on another slip. I was then ultimately left with limited possibilities and options: Trip and fall, step out of it, pick it up and smile, or stand there.
“Some habits can cause the slipping of the spirit. It is essential 
to appreciate the God given elastic, He wants us back.” svb

So, today might we ponder upon those things that are holding us back--“Simply step out of it.” There might need to be some course corrections, or a simple change. Maybe some new elastic stitched. Whatever the cost, it will be worth it as we stand before our Maker in full confidence that our slips won’t fall, or that our nylons won’t roll down. For we have made the necessary changes to be girded in full faith, trusting that our Father in Heaven knows us well.

Have  a great sabbath

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