Hold Out You Hand to Christ
by Shauna V. Brown
I just finished reading another account of Corrie Ten Boom. As you will recall she was a Dutch Christian who stepped in and tried to help many Jews to escape the Nazi Holocaust during World War II. As a result of an informant many of her family members were arrested and sent to Ravensbruck Concentration Camp.
While visiting Europe a few years ago Rick and I had the opportunity to view a similar concentration camp, Dachau. It was difficult for me to realize that at some point humanity can become so unfeeling, numb and inhumane.
Corrie shares,
“Today I know that such memories are the key not to the past,
but to the future. I know that the experiences of our lives,
when we let God use them, become the mysterious and perfect
preparation for the work He will give us to do. ”
~ Corrie Ten Boom
My copy of the Hiding Place, is filled with numerous underlined phrases and thoughts to jolt my heart into deeper depth of gratitude. Corrie, once released from prison after years behind wired fences and flea infested quarters, spent the remainder of her days sharing her beliefs and convictions of Jesus Christ. She felt prompted, almost driven, that the messages of Christ must be delivered to as many as she could touch. She traveled from village to village, small town to large cities. Visiting people in their homes, offering words to anyone who would listen to her story. The talks and conversations were always centered around forgiveness and Christ’s enduring love for everyone. Even while traveling world wide she wrote books about her imprisonment and experiences in order to inspire and lead others unto Christ. Truly her life and sacrifice was a gift for all, and I am grateful for the assignment given by a wise English teacher to read her book.
As Rick and I stood by the tall fences topped with wire at Dachau Camp, I reflected upon how it must have been to survive in those dark, cramped, smelly, prison rooms. Small slits of windows that daily invited the dreams and possibilities of freedom. For many their days became weeks, weeks into months and months into years. Some gave up and gave in, while others trusted in the hope of Jesus Christ and cherished freedom.
Surely the messages shared by Corrie are as valuable and needed today as they were during World War II. I think about how frequently we lock thoughts within the chambers of our hearts, and inflict our own sentences for personal imprisonment. No number is tattooed on our forearms, no bloody stripes fill our backs, our clothes are not prison issued, but it’s there --felt within our soul. We hold regrets, “what if’s,” “ should of’s ,” “ I should have done,” “if only”, "why?" . . .
We need to be more gentle, more forgiving of not only those who offend, but to lift the burden and forgive ourselves. Perhaps our journey, our own Ravensbruck’s are laden with divergent paths and pain. Corrie came to realize her prison experience, was “for a greater cause and purpose.”
In all truth we too must understand and realize that we are never, ever left alone. Even prisons have divine purpose . Joseph Smith, after spending numerous months in many a dark, damp, smelly prison came to inquire of the lord, “O God, where art thou? And where is the pavilion that covereth thy hiding place? How long shall thy hand be stayed?. . .
Isn’t it interesting that Corrie would title one of her books The Hiding Place?
I believe with full heart that Jesus Christ is very much aware of each one of us. We can never be "in hiding," or hidden from him. He knows our pains, concerns, regrets, and fears. Jesus Christ is personally interested in our happiness.
“ Through Christ we have the ability to choose and change,
to forgive and live, to seek and be saved. It is within each of
us to allow the pain or the peace.” (smile here)
~ Shauna Brown
I think Corrie says it even better.
“You may never know that JESUS is all you need,
until JESUS is all you have.”
So this Sabbath day take the key that locks up the hurts, distrust, anger, pain and place it in the hand of God. Trusting that according to his timing you will be set free.
“ God holds your future in His hands, so hold out yours.”
~ Shauna Brown
Good Sabbath
Love to all
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