Sunday, March 2, 2014


                        FINISH   STRONG
by Shauna V. Brown 

The Olympics are over once again. Most of the Olympians have returned to their  
homes and countries. Some of them have received warm welcomes with cheering crowds, parades and fan fare, achieving what they hoped. Others are content that they will forever carry the title of an Olympian. Still there will be those who feel broken, defeated and embarrassed, returning home empty.  
       But I remain back at the finish line with my thoughts. The marking point of championship and success, or instant defeat.    _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 
      FINISH  lines, are usually clearly marked with lines, banners, balloons, flags, large letters, ribbons or tape. I have observed most have a gathering crowd to applaud and cheer those who have completed the race. We watch with eager anticipation to see who will cross the line first, and ‘bring home the medal.’  Today we marvel as most winners are found crossing the finish line within a hundredth of a second, less than a blink of an eye.   
     No one goes with the hope to finish fifth or twentieth, first is the goal. Each competitor has the hope to stand tall upon a platform and be rewarded for their effort, skill, and years of dedication. For most of them ‘blood, sweat and tears’  doesn’t even touch upon the many broken bones, pulled and torn ligaments as well as broken hearts, disappointment or disasters that they have encountered.     
      It’s interesting to me to recognize that we, each of us, are holding to a similar quest. Let’s take the downhill racer as an example. Each skier is given an overview of the course, they have a map to study and visualize within their minds, they are informed by their coaches as to the condition of the snow, ice and temperatures. Information is quickly generated so they can learn from skiers who have gone previously. They mentally play the course over and over, reviewing each turn, each incline, and where they need to place their weight and skis.  
    Oh, if life could be so easy? Our personal quest and pathway isn’t marked by any flags or ink. There are no signs clearly indicating which way to go or when, we are left to our agency and choices. Even in our daily practices and pursuits, we have no map to follow. No one has walked our individual path before us. Often there seems to be too many voices to listen to.  On our individual paths there are icy inclines and deep rutted declines, rough patches, and gratefully there are smooth moments when we take heart and press forward, knowing  there is a finish line-- somewhere.   
       I like the way author and radio mentor, Anita R. Sneed-Carter expresses the pursuit to finish strong and full of faith:  
“Life is short, so live it full! Know that the work that the Lord has begun in you, He will finish it. So, honor Him today with your gift to Him, “steadfastness/endurance to live His work, and not yours. It may get tough along this journey where the enemy speaks “quit”, but remember, God is not through with what He began in you. In God, your life shall be made full and complete( whole)!”  

      I recall with great clarity the time my first child, nine month old Heather, wobbly walked into my arms from across the room. There was no finish line visible, but it was there. Heather’s face lit up with smiles, mirroring a great moment for her parents. One would have thought Rick and I had won a prize, or launched a thousand balloons. Our little Heather had taken courage, trusted and with faith and followed the prompting --“Come.”          Joy is in the coming--- unto Christ.   
     Our ultimate coach is our Savior, Jesus Christ.  He has marked the path, and led the way.
        “Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of  hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life.” 2 Nephi 31:20

      Just like Heather, we will take baby steps and then lengthen our stride, then step by step we come, we follow-- we finish.  That’s the goal- our eternal finish line.    Each day as we cross the daily finish line, we can take a deep breath and be reassured there is someone encouraging us on.  You see Christ said it first,“It is finished.” 

Enjoy your Sabbath. 
Love to all


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