Sunday, March 9, 2014

and Promises 

by Shauna V. Brown 

     I  love reading my mother’s history. She shared her life through stories.Stories that are uplifting, educational and inspiring. I will be ever so grateful that she jotted down her thoughts, feelings and shared her testimony so freely.
    This morning I stepped back in time with Mama, as she reflected upon her life, describing how it was for her growing up as a child during the depression. As I read  a story written in 1981, she was in her seventies, she vividly recalled her feelings: “The economy of the United States is in a deplorable  condition. Nine million Americans are out of work. Factories are closing. . . Crime, corruption and fraud are daily broadcast from the housetops. . . bombs exploding, . . loss of innocent lives are almost daily occurances. . .   fears, anxiety, strife, hatred, suffering and poverty fill the news.”
     Continuing her story of how it was as a young bride when depression visited again our country in 1938,    “Van(my father), became Bishop of the Nineth Ward in Salt Lake City. There was much relief needed in this time of depression. Heads of families were out of work. Food, clothing, shelter and heat were requested by many members of our ward.” 
The paragraph that seemed to standout upon the page: “When Van checked over those in need of assistance -- not one had been a tithe payer.  Not even those who had payed only a part tithe had need of welfare.”
    “It was surely a testimony to both Van  and me. The Lord surely does keep His promises.  He says he will open the windows of heaven and pour out blessings greater than we can contain.”
       “I will … pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.” Mal. 3:10.
       Is history repeating itself?  Crime, corruption, fraud -- it sure sounds the same to me.  We will encounter numerous voices that cause us to doubt, question, pause and ponder which path to choose- who to follow? We will be surrounded with virtue and vice, happiness and sadness, obedience and disobedience, open hearts and hard hearts. There will be those that heed and those that hide. I believe with full heart that if we seek to do God’s will andfollow Him he will guide us through the depressing moments, the storms and rumblings of time.  
I pray that we will all be ready, ready to push open the windows, pop our umbrellas, get out our boots and be ready for the down pour from heaven.   Did I say be ready?  We must look for the sparkling rain today and realize that blessings are being bestowed here and now.         
       “To be cheerful when others are in despair, to keep the faith when others falter, to be true even when we feel forsaken—all of these are deeply desired outcomes during the deliberate, divine tutorials which God gives to us—because He loves us. These learning experiences must not be misread as divine indifference. Instead, such tutorials are a part of the divine unfolding.” ~ Neal A. Maxwell
      So, as we are caught in the unfolding of our lives, let us write down how God in His wisdom has given us opportunities to stretch and grow, ponder and pray, and develop greater faith and trust. Let us record, like Mama did, those times when we danced in the rain, blew kisses to God, and marveled at our daily miracles. As we think upon those times we will realize that it has been raining most days.   Now, let’s go and find the puddles.... and make a big splash that lands upon our hearts.

Enjoy your Sabbath,

Love Always,

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