by Shauna V. Brown
Recently I was asked, “What is your favorite movie?” Within my mind I scanned, and reviewed the many movies I have watched over the years. I have a few chosen favorites, as I tend to be a traditionalist and don’t stray to far from reality. I am still drawn to my beloved Anne of Green Gables, Sound of Music, Pride and Prejudice, The Secret Garden, My Fair Lady, to name a few. I enjoy watching them over and over again, for in them I find numerous lessons to learn by. Leading characters are shaped by their challenges and from despair comes joy, overcoming defeat to finding renewal and finding the best. In most cases my leading characters are found to live happily ever after. At least that how my mind sees it.
“Climb every mountain, forge every stream follow every rainbow till you find your dream.” ~ Sound of Music
“It’s been my experience that you can nearly always enjoy things if you make up your mind firmly that you will.” ~ L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
“Where you tend a rose, my lad, A thistle cannot grow.” ~ Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden
Our lives are shaped by our challenges , mountains if your will, that we face, whether they are big or small, imagined or real. Sometimes, we think too much upon them, or simply turn and start walking down the hill. Our mind’s focus is drenched in the “What ifs”, How will I, Can I, Should I ? I find myself entertaining a lot of self talk, independent pep rallies, and mind scanning.
“The mountains of our minds are meant to be forged.” ~ Shauna Brown
Our thoughts can literally sink hope, dampen our faith, and dilute the power we hold within. We have to make a daily choice as to where we allow our thoughts to take us.
In reviewing some of the ancient feelings by Marcus Aurelius, I was sweetly taken by his view point, perspective and by his wisdom. I share just two of inspiring thoughts:
“The soul becomes dyed with the colour of its thoughts.”
“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.”
Some researchers suggest that we have 48 thoughts per minutes. Isn’t that mind boggling? No wonder there are moments when we have a brain freeze, memory loss, or want to take a nap. It is estimated that in one day we have well over 70,000 thoughts marching through our mind. Is there little wonder then, that a portion of our thoughts, 80% are negative. So think about what we are pondering, what we are thinking, and where our focus is.
Years ago I learned about the work of Japanese scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto. Dr. Emoto photographed frozen samples of polluted water before and after prayer was done over the water. He also photographed sample of distilled water before and after exposure to various kinds of music, such as heavy metal or the more relaxing tones of Beethoven. He also taped words to the containers of distilled water such as “You make me sick; I will kill you” and “Love and appreciation.”
The energies from beautiful words and thoughts, even if only written, created exquisite snowflake-like patterns in the water. The less uplifting energies created images of disorder and toxicity. Even a simple “thank you” produced a lovely crystalline pattern.
Is it little wonder the, that we, being made up of a great percentage of water need to surround ourselves with all things uplifting, even the colors that we wear, the movies, the books, the people. Our thoughts will and can make such a difference in our life.
Today more than ever before we need to seek and surround ourselves with all that is good, allowing it to pour into our heart and soul. Imagine our exquisite crystalline
patterns we are creating.
Enjoy your Sabbath.
Love Always,
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