Sunday, January 12, 2014

It’s Time to Swing Again

This morning as I was returning home from driving Rick to the church... I began singing spontaneously...
Climb every mountain, forge every stream . 
Follow every rainbow, till you find your dream. 
From that melody it took me home to childhood memories and melodies.
 As a little girl I spent many hours swinging from our clothes line posts. Swinging and singing was time of anticipated enjoyment. I could swing for hours. I’m sure it was then  when I learned to appreciate God’s beautiful world.
Mother taught me numerous songs and I can still remember every word of my favorite one when I would swing:  
How do you like to go up in a swing,
Up in the air so blue?
Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing  
Ever a child can do!  

Up in the air and over the wall,          
Till I can see so wide,  
Rivers and trees and cattle and all  
Over the countryside—  

Till I look down on the garden green,  
Down on the roof so brown—   
Up in the air I go flying again,
Up in the air and down!  Written by Robert Louis Stevenson,

Precious memories. I frequently thought that if I could swing high enough I could see farther, perhaps even into heaven. As from one vantage point I could clearly see the capital building resting on the hill in Salt Lake. At sunset the Great Salt Lake was gleaming before my eyes.  I remember how empowered I felt as I could see over into the backyard of Neeleys, or rhymthically peeking into the backyard of Blakes.  I recall frequently being frustrated as I looked at their tall swing. It seemed to be almost twenty feet in height. I wished, and longed that I could swing upon it, so much bigger than ours.  Imagine all that they could see. That is when I first learned about wishing and hoping.  Yet, I found contentment in my own wonderland. It held enough imagination and possibilities of life. Even with the squeaking sounds of rubbing chains upon the clothesline pipes. It was a special time for a young girl. A girl who then only knew that the sun would rise in the east and set in some incredible golden toned sunset. 

Recently there have been those moments when I want to participate in tippy toe adventures into someone else’s yard, and pretend for just a moment--to have. It’s funny as I come back to the ground I realize wherein contentment is found.  I am asked now to climb mountains that I can’t even see. I am experiencing a rainbow moment. Surrounded by all the colors, plans and vivid scripted possibilities.  Daily I sit upon my swing holding onto faith and clasping the rope. Within the rhythm of daily living I can feel heaven brush against my cheeks as answers to my prayers are whispered on the wind. It is within those moments and pondering that I am finding the peace that is promised.  
When mother called, “It’s time to come inside.’ Reluctantly I slowly dragged my feet upon the ground. I stopped and promised to return. As there was still too much to see, and horizons unexplored.  
Up in the air...   Till I can see so wide.
I continue to sing as I breathe deep and lift my feet and place hands firming upon the ropes.  With all the faith one can muster we will learn to rise and see all that God has in store for us. Great vistas of learning.  Imagine how much more we would appreciate the sunsets as we realize they are the peaceful impressions that God is writing upon our hearts.  
Today I see there are more sunrises to enjoy, flowers to pick and plant and lives to touch, as well as testimonies to be born.  Jesus has walked the pathway for me and sprinkled seeds to grow within my soul. 
Let me share a quote that I came across by Elder Jeffery R. Holland. I was seeking a thought to post within the seminaries... 
“When you are confronted with challenges that are difficult to conquer or you have questions arise, the answers to which you do not know, hold fast to the things you do know. Hang on to your firmest foundation, however limited that may be, and from that position of strength face the unknown.” 
 Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, Created for Greater Things

I sense that Elder Holland loved to swing as well.  Enjoy the sabbath.

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