Sweet Remembrance!
by Shauna Brown
Last Friday night a group of young single adults arrived at our house, just as Rick and I returned from a company holiday party. Eagerly the group of twelve danced around us singing a familiar Christmas melody: We Wish You Merry Christmas.
We marveled at their youthful enthusiasm as it was freezing cold outside. It was easy to tell it, as white puffs of air appeared as they sang. We joined in the melody, singing as well. We invited them in, but they countered “we’re going to sing to others as well.” Quickly they shared warm wishes and expressions of love. Stepping to me, Heather, one of the carolers held out a handmade paper sack reindeer, “I’m so sorry, it lost one of it’s eyes,” she said embarrased.
“But I still love it!” I replied.
“Well, the cookies are good,” she said, as if trying to make up for the missing eye on the reindeer.
Hugs were given and the carolers were off running to their cars. I could only imagine the joy they would continue to spread, as they shared more gifts to another blessed soul.
I giggled as I carried in our one eyed reindeer into the house. It was so cute and so thoughtful. From the sight of it, it instantly took me back to those moments when young children of my own, gathered around our kitchen table to make delightful creations. Elmers Glue was a staple then. Pom poms, glitter, popcicle sticks and pipe cleaners filled my craft drawers. Oh, how I cherish my memories, and thrive in creating new ones.
I’m sure those carolers were unaware of how important their one eyed reindeer sack was for me. Remembering can be such a gift of itself.
The cookies were good, just like she said. However, it was the desire of their hearts to think of us, to remember us, that meant the most. Our group of Christmas carolers brought joy, pleasure and sweet memories to our hearts.
“There is no better time than now, this very Christmas season, for all of us to rededicate ourselves to the principles taught by Jesus Christ. It is the time to love the Lord, our God, with all our heart – and our neighbors as ourselves. It is well to remember that he who gives money gives much; he who gives time gives more; but he who gives of himself gives all.” ~ Pres. Thomas S. Monson
Don’t you just love that thought?
‘He who gives of himself gives all.”
And Jesus did! Jesus the Christ, has bestowed the greatest gift possible to
everyone of us. Each and every day we can unwrap the red ribbon tied personally, and feel of His everlasting love. Remembering Him and seeking to follow and to do his will, shall be the greatest gift we can offer in return.
Each of us is an innkeeper who decides if there is room for Jesus!”
~ Neal A. Maxwell
May your season be filled with thoughts of the Saviors redeeming grace.
Enjoy Your Sabbath
Love to All
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