Wednesday, January 30, 2013

                      We Must Build As Well

By Shauna Brown

      With a box of tissue in hand, runny nose and chills, I must take a moment and pay tribute to the pioneers that crossed the seas, trudged through rugged plains, crossed rocky ridges, faced storms and lived in wagon boxes through the freezing winter.  I continue to marvel at their courage and enduring focus. 
    Does anyone else feel a little wimpy as I do? I find myself bundling up in blankets because it gives me comfort. I love the snuggly fleece blankets, and I like being warm. 
    Imagine the pioneer's world of cold. Going to bed most nights cold and wet and remaining that way--for days. Could they ever warm up?
     I think of some of my pioneer ancestors who wrapped their feet with strips of cloth and pieces of wood. Their  hope was to walk a few more miles and reach their dreamed of Zion.  I think of those mothers and their wee babies born in such horrible conditions.  They had no time to complain of swollen feet or added heavy weight. They couldn't settle in a comfy chair and just rest a spell.  They pushed forward praying and hoping that their dreams and better days were ahead.  Gratefully those pioneers felt inspired to become the builders of a firm foundation for the gospel of Jesus Christ.  They pushed, so that we could enjoy the blessings in a free land and the ability to worship how, where and what we may.
    I don’t know what I shall be called upon to experience in my lifetime.  I’m sure that the script is written. I know that God is most mindful to enable each of us to fortify and foster our faith and testimony.  My goal is to be as courageous and strong.  
     Each day I pray to draw the spirit in my life, to follow the precepts, doctrines and teaching of Jesus Christ.  
    So, last Sunday I was sick and had to delay my thought spot.  So here's 'Wonderful Words on Wednesday' 
    When you say your prayers tonight, take a moment and express appreciation for those who wanted to make our dreams possible.  Know this - they are close and seek to of support to us. Long ago I came to the realization that we helped to encourage them along their journey, and they are cheering us go. 
All is well on both sides of the veil.

   Enjoy your Everyday!  Push along. Do your duty with a heart full of song..... 

   Love Shauna

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