Sunday, February 9, 2014

Cart Happy!
by Shauna Brown

     Yesterday, as I was shopping a man came down the same isle as I was on, walking in the opposite direction. He pushed his cart close to my cart.  I smiled and simply inquired, “How are you doing today?”  A few seconds passed and he muttered with a dark tone, “fine.”  I continued on not thinking much more about it. Then even while my back was turned he voiced aloud, “Thank you for asking.”  
“You’re so welcome,” I said turning.
My thoughts continued to percolate upon his statement, “Thank you for asking.”  My imagination took hold and I was set to wondering.  I wondered if he lived alone. I wondered by the tone of his voice if he carried  heavy burdens. I thought about his unshaven face and deep set eyes. I wondered if he knew or felt what happiness was. Perhaps he was unemployed and struggling. I wondered if one ever spoke to him. If too much of his world was filled with silence. I wondered if he had children who rarely visited him. I wondered and imagined, and of course I gave him reasons for being alone. Perhaps his wife was dying, his children lived far away. 
“Thank you for asking.” 
Too often, I believe many of us push our ‘carts of life’ past those who need us to stop, reach out with words of hope, purpose and possibilities. The rush of life often pushes us past the opportunity to learn from others, to give to others, even if it’s just a smile and a few words of genuine interest.
For the rest of the day I said to everyone with whom I came in contact, “Hello,”  “Hi, how are you?”  “ Good morning,” “Hi, there!” “Good afternoon.” Some looked at me a little strangely, as if I was an odd duck. Others quickly 
responded with a  “Hello!” Some looked around to insure I was speaking to them. Others nodded and smiled without response. Still , far too many, even while looking directly at me, ignored me, as if I wasn’t there. I must admit my experiment was interesting. My fact finding moments revealed a vast and varying summation. In all observations, I was amazed, a how much a few words of kindness can make a difference.  
“Thank you for asking.”

After reading a couple of Leo Buscaglia’s books, that focus on love, and relationships, I came to realize that there are many valuable gifts that each of us carry within our personal carts. Many people are shopping, seeking to find the “gift” that we are meant to share with them. Leo Buscaglia taught: 
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, 
a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the
smallest act of caring, all of which have the 
potential to turn a life around.” ~ 

So for today, stop your cart, look around and rejoice in this great gift of life. We must all come to realize that within each of us are an abundance of gifts meant to share with others. 
Perhaps your heart will be as stirred as mine was, when words extended.... “Thank you for asking,”  rested upon my heart. From those words I felt like reaching out more, inquiring more, caring more, and seeing more. Makes me want to look into my ‘cart of abundance,’ open up my heart, let the sunshine out and share it with the world. 

Enjoy Your Sabbath,
Love Always,

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