Looking for the Miracles
by Shauna V. Brown
For the past week I have set the goal to jot down, for my personal spiritual exercise, and history, the many miracles that have transpired in my life. I highly recommend this exercise for all of us. It is simply amazing as one reflects upon those moments when life was held in the balance, when answers hadn’t come, when strangers came with remedies, when purpose became clear, were miracles. I marveled how thoughts of inspiration and impressions took hold, when dreams held visions, when scriptures rendered answers, when prayers were heard, when life began. Clearly, it is amazing to see the hand and design of our creator in our daily living. In fact, it is a blessing to see just how closely God is involved in the details of our lives.
“I believe that no concern of ours is too small or insignificant.
The Lord is in the details.” ~ Thomas S. Monson
One miracle, I believe was truly significant happened many years ago. With six children I felt we needed to enlarge our living space. Because of this feeling I was literally driven to find a new home. “Driven,” is perhaps too simple of a description. I was fully focused, constantly compelled upon to find a new home. I was daily searching for it, at lunch time Rick and I would often go through numerous homes. I had a binder filled with potential homes, layouts, and maps. My realtor was maxed out trying to find “that perfect home” for our needs. I felt an increasing pressure upon me, it was an unrelenting feeling. Most of the time I was filled with anxiety, frustration and most nights I couldn’t sleep.
Late one night I got out of bed and knelt down to say another prayer. It seemed the answer to a frequent and repeated plea wasn’t coming, and this was disturbing to me as well. Then, while praying for that requested direction I heard a voice. It was clear and distinct, it scared me. He said, “Pray to me and I will give you answers.” An instant, jolting vibration within my soul ignited a sense of fear. I immediately got up, grabbed my scriptures, rushed down the hallway, turned on the lights in the living room and settled myself in a chair. My heart was pounding rapidly. I felt an even greater sense of urgency, “Heavenly Father, help me to know who is pushing me. Are we are meant to move.” Then, I extended, “Help me know what you want me to do.” I then had a flash of direction. I quickly opened my scriptures and fanned the pages. I didn’t know where to look. I hadn’t tested this experiment before. I then dropped my finger upon a page and passage. I then started to read :
“It is necessary that ye should remain for the present time in your places of abode,
as it shall be suitable to your circumstances.” Doctrine & Covenants 48:1
Can you imagine it? Where there had been pressure, tumult, discouragement, anxiety and frustration, all was quickly dispelled. Imagine how my heart felt at that very moment, as I was immediately surrounded in a sense of reassuring peace. I clearly knew what God wanted for me. The desire to look for a home vanished. I had my direction and answer.
Yet, I admit, I pondered why God hadn’t answered me earlier. I have come to appreciate and value that timing is often the key that unlocks the miracles and purposes of God.
That night, I learned just how in tune the destroyer is. How he is eager, unrelenting, to have us tied to his ways and will.
“Knowing our Heavenly Father is in the details of our lives, then we must
realize the destroyer is aimed at derailing our lives.” ~ Shauna
Trust me, I don’t look for signs. It is clear to me... Miracles are happening everyday.
Enjoy Your Sabbath
Love Always,