Sunday, November 17, 2013

                          PERFECT FIT

by Shauna V. Brown

     There is an age-old adage “Everyone has at least one good book in them”.  Encouraged by friends to share one of my Christmas stories, ‘my book’ began.
   Threads of Faith~ a Christmas Miracle,  evolved and was inspired by true stories written within pioneer journals. I will be forever grateful for those who jotted down some of their challenges of faith, short comings, as well as rejoicing moments of their lives. I’m sure those early pioneers never gave thought that years and years later someone would cling to their testimony, or trust in a God who listens, as they did.  They never imagined that their life would be a motivation to another. In some instances just a sentence was there for me to ponder. I will be eternally thankful for their messages of hope, faith, trust, and the sacrifices that they experienced.  I hold dear their stories.   
     When I received word that Cedar Fort, wanted to publish my book I was thrilled.  Believe me the writing of it didn’t happen over night. It took months of revising, rewriting, and editing. I am forever grateful for editing skills offered by Katie Van Dyke. I’ll never forget the day when Katie suggested to me that I might consider writing the story from a different point of view. I had written the story in third person, and now, when I thought I was achieving the final draft she offers that first person could be better. 
     “First person?” I questioned.  I admit, I was overwhelmed with the idea. But, I knew Katie, and between her and the good Lord I began again.  I quickly realized it wouldn’t be an easy task. There were moments when I almost quit. However, I soon discovered Katie’s suggestion would hold a far greater impact and perspective.  The story took on a whole new meaning to me as well.   What I imagined would take months and months to complete was dissolved with a renewed constant, driving, loving, pursuit. I loved writing it. 
     In fact, I  was so taken with my leading character, Hillary Whitman, that I could almost hear her breathing. I cried when she cried, I laughed aloud when she did. Hillary, in first person, became the voice for so many.  
     It’s sweet to explain, but there were numerous times when I felt heavenly companions standing close by. I could sense their emotions while I wrote of their personal particle of the story. I was linking lives, real lives, through the written word. Believe me it is quite the experience. I will be forever grateful for the lessons learned from them, by them, and a gift for us all.  
      Little did the publisher to know that I envisioned and hoped that my Christmas book ~ Threads of Faith, would be the same size as a Book of Mormon.  You see, I visualized it as well, tied with a red satin bow around a copy of a Book of Mormon, and given as a gift.  I wanted my book to become a sweet introduction about my latter-day beliefs. 
      I giggled with delighted when the first copy arrived from the publisher. Imagine my joy when I quickly realized it was a ‘perfect fit.’ It was just as I envisioned it.   Once again I know: With God nothing is impossible. 
    The suggestion of ‘first person’ from Katie was inspired for me. The book within me may have centered upon some experiences of early saint’s stories, but in all truth, it gave me an opportunity to share my voice. Through charming characters I share my hope, trust and faith in God.   

Enjoy your Sabbath and Season

What’s in your book? 

Love to All  Shauna 

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