by Shauna V. Brown
For weeks while driving to work, I find myself singing a simple child’s song:
I looked out the window and what did I see?
Popcorn popping on the apricot tree.
Spring has brought me such a nice surprise.
Popcorn popping right before my eyes.
I can take an armful and make a treat.
A popcorn ball that would smell so sweet.
It wasn’t really so, but it seemed to be,
Popcorn popping on the apricot tree.”
I have wished for time to stop and gather a popcorn ball of blossoms and breathe in deeply of their fragrance newly born. Sit beneath the budding branches and study the crafting of such tiny creations. I have taken a few pictures to forever capture the moments of bursting possibilities. Do you know there are rainbows held within?
It was just a few weeks ago that those same trees now baring countless blossomed bouquets looked barren and winter wrinkled brown. I feel inspired and uplifted by the sight of God’s wondrous planning.
“The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day he created Spring.”
~Bern Williams.
I like that, SPRING and HOPE - created on the same day, with the desire from God to give a renewed vision of possibilities. Imagine, when branches seem withered and dead, beyond any revivaled dream, some sudden sprig of green shoots forth. For God has planted them, well aware of their awakening season. Some even years and years a head of any seed imbued within the soil, we call life. God’s plan, God’s timing, God’s purpose held all within his making.
One Saturday morning Rick and I stumbled upon a charming picture at a garage sale. We purchased it at a time when it definitely wasn’t in our budget. No, it’s not a Rembrandt, a Van Gogh, Monet, or Renoir.
However, from the first sight it warmed my soul, spoke to my heart and for $10.00 we decided it was an visual treat. It’s a copy of a copy and then some. Yet, it has planted days of hope within my heart. Reminded me of growing seasons. Time and time as I have looked upon the young girl, I can sense her belief and hope in her planting. I can almost feel her fingers in the moist earth. I imagine her tapping the soil around the plant to make sure her planting has supported love. I can almost see a worm wiggling by and marvel at it’s divine purpose. I too, can almost smell the generations of earthy partings and plantings~ seasons of life. Each of us hoping, praying for beautiful and countless blossoms.
While looking upon our masterpiece, we named it 'HOPE.' I have enjoyed the warm, comforting tones and the simple message painted in the strokes. The picture’s value has increased, as parting with it would be such sorrow for me. It has beome far more than just a visual treat, it is a symbol of testimony.
Just this morning I checked the corner of the painting for the artist’s signature. I discovered, penned in gold, “Lindsley.” I quickly Googled the name and happily discovered the picture that Rick and I had purchased. I smiled, as a coincidental ah-ha moment popped into my mind. The artist, David Lindsley, had entitled the painting : “Hope of Spring”.
My heart giggled with confidence knowing that in the blue print of my life, we didn’t just ‘stumble upon a garage sale.’ God knew Rick would notice a picture hanging crooked on the wall. It would catch his eye and I would love it upon first sight. The seller would ask a surprising price of $10.00. Could she see my instant delight as I quickly opened my wallet? Imagine, I knew I only had one $10.00 bill. I paid her gladly. Holding the picture in hand, feeling as if we had purchased a prized Renoir, we took it home to grow within our hearts.
Our picture fondly called, HOPE, has become a emblem of greater meaning to us. Hanging it in our bedroom has planted seeds of peace, nurtured hope, sprouted greater faith, and enhanced a growing season of love. Patience is grown within God’s purposes and timing.
I know God is most mindful of all. He is interested in the small and seeming insignificant details of our lives. If we look closer in the corners of our minds, our souls, our lives will reveal the significance of the supreme artist. His daily masterpieces can be viewed as testaments placed on every inch of this existence.
There is Hope, smiling brightly before us.
Hope wasn’t meant to simply hang upon a wall.
Hope is meant to thrive within the heart.
Look around. Breathe in some of the blessings that surround you - life smells so good.
Enjoy this Sabbath Day, and may all Mothers
feel of their worth and significance this day and always.
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