by Shauna Brown
I like to ponder life. LIFE, a simple four letter word that encompass an eternity of thoughts and incredible breathing moments.
As a little girl I was frequently involved in the art of day dreaming, it came naturally to me, kind of second nature, one might say. My school teachers sternly suggested that I put some of my ‘dreaming’ to better use. I tried to focus on math, but more than not it did little to hold my attention. History was far more interesting to me. I was drawn more to music, art, creative writing and use of my imagination.
Looking back now I see more clearly. Not all of us are meant to be a genius, a scientist, an engineer, technical advisors, or lawyers. I was created to become ME. (Masterfully Enlightened ) The discovery of me will take time, effort and a continued intent to learn more from my creator.
Wisely, at a young age my mother introduced me to a librarian. I remember that encounter well. She seemed so ‘librarian’, so single in her love, looks, and knowledge of books. Together we talked about my interests. She pondered for a moment and then she suggested that I might have an affection in reading autobiographies and biographies. Just the word alone, ‘affection’ seemed enticing. Autobiographies seemed so grown up to me. She pointed out the shelf containing the vast selections, and then rolled a step ladder closer. You see, my books of ‘affection’ were located on a high top shelf--beyond the reach of most children. (Interesting) The librarian was right. From the first book I read, I was hooked. Stories and people’s influence upon history attracted my interest. Cover to cover I discovered and was inspired by: Joan of Arc, Annie Oakley, Sojourner Truth, George Washington Carver, Helen Keller, Anne Frank, Antony Van Leeuwenhoek, Marie Curie, Christopher Columbus, Queen Victoria, Florence Nightingale, Mary Queen of Scotts to name a few of my favorites. They instilled within my soul a deeper desire to become someone that could make a difference in life.
We are told that God has given each of us specific talents or purposes for coming to earth. Often I have wished that we all came with a declaration of our unique and special offerings. It would be so much easier to know if I was destined to discover the automobolic usage of molecular vibrations on the inner structure of the heart ( AUMVISH.) Or create the future Broadway spectacular that would sweep successfully to the rest of the world.Perhaps become a famous designer of shoes. Gladly, I thrive in motherhood, marriage, and being a grandmother. Yet, I am stirred to seek for sharing and becoming more. Almost like I have a higher shelf of eternal possibilities. Constantly I am taken to wonder where my next path will take ME. It's exciting - mysterious - and drives me to frequent pondering.
I no longer just read biographies and journals. I read a broad variety of books. I love to learn. I love to stimulate my mind, educate and finely tune my thoughts and purposes to what I am personally meant to accomplish here on earth. I have come to realize however, that God is in the creation of our inherent possibilities. We are, each one of us evolving day by day, sentence by sentence into a profoundly perfect novel. Someday we will stretch forth our hands, hold the leather bound volume. I'm sure I will want to scan the pages and review my life. Clearly we are meant to consider this life a good read. There will be just enough sentences packed with joy. While mixed with intense chapters of heart ache and challenges. Purposely scripted moments to enhance our understanding. Paragraphs that will cause the heart to beat in quiet reverence. It will be an "I can't put it down, read." There will be no editing allowed, but we will treasure the subtle miracles that changed the final draft.
Each day I try to take a few minutes for ‘enlightened pondering’--once called day dreaming. You see I firmly believe that inspiration and direction come in a variety of ways. I find some of my best moments have come in the shower, or in my pajamas. I have discovered as well that while writing life’s novel there will come times and places demanding an exclamation point, or a comma before we move on.
Erma Bombeck was known for sharing her gift of humor. Her following quote has long been a favorite of mine: “When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, ‘I used everything you gave me.” Erma Bombeck
I find added balance in my pursuits from a thought of Marjorie Pay Hinckley:
“We women have a lot to learn about simplifying our lives. We have to decide what is important and then move along at a pace that is comfortable for us. We have to develop the maturity to stop trying to prove something. We have to learn to be content with what we are.”
Don’t you like that? ‘Learn to be content with what we are.’
So we are bound to love life - each chapter, paragraph, as it becomes an eternal testament of divine purpose.
So this day, might we celebrate those who have influenced and touched our lives- on both sides of heaven. Might we all enjoy the moments and blessings as we seek to become our significant best.
Enjoy the Sabbath
Love to all