by Shauna Brown
On my dresser rests a little wooden sign that simply reads: “Live Joyfully.” As I arise each morning and get dressed I frequently take notice of those two words- Live Joyfully. Advice? Instruction? Or a reminder that what we think ultimately does have an influence on our attitudes and how we choose to live. I find it interesting that words can play such a factor in our emotions and outlooks.
“Man is that he might have joy!” JOY is a choice. Might have joy - you choose.
Happy - Sad! Hope full - Pessimistic. Faith - Fear? Doubt - Trust? I choose JOY in my journey of life. It’s a choice I find I need to make each day. Henri J.M. Nouwen felt the same:
“Joy does not simply happen to us.
We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day.”
Don’t you love the word- JOY ! It’s simple and complete.
After reading a book about an Amish family I was impressed greatly that they found joy in some of the simple daily attentions of life. Who would ever think that sweeping a floor, or washing a window would bring such satisfaction and JOY unto God? Their belief is that everything we do in life should express gratitude. Every action is to push away the appetites of the world, and keep themselves 'unspotted.' After reading I was motivated and began my journey to seek out and live more fully the concept of gratitude and finding the JOY within my life. Once one begins this experience, finding JOY is simple. We are surrounded by JOY and JOYful moments. Gratitude is key to living a JOYful life.
I find JOY in taking a warm shower. Wiggling my toes in green grass. Hearing my sweetheart Rick sing aloud, “Oh, Say But I’m Glad.” Sitting in a crowded room and listening to my family reminisce about their childhood memories. Simple JOY comes in creating a potato salad and knowing it will be an offering of my best. JOY comes while washing dirty dishes, I thrive with the feel of warm soapy water. JOY in breathing deep a fresh morning walk. JOY is friends. JOY is holding hands that I’ve held for years and years. JOY is looking into faces and trusting they will be there for eternity. JOY is kneeling in prayer and knowing answers will come. I find JOY while standing at the kitchen window and watching the birds dance upon the branches. JOY, is hearing the laughter of children. JOY is hearing your child say, "How did you do this?" JOY comes while driving up the driveway knowing Rick will be home soon. JOY is watching a sunset and feeling a sense of peace. Joy is seeking out the good and knowing God is there.
When I was a little girl I relished the concluding ritual of my Sunday School teacher. After prayer was said she would bring out a tiny box of shiny stars. We would line up in row and one by one my class members would look into her face. If we were good enough, and had behaved, she then would smile big and open the lid. We could select the color of star we wanted to wear. Then she would lick the star and glue it to our foreheads. I recall the JOY I felt wearing it. It not only brought JOY to me and many smiles . But I loved the look upon my parent's faces. I wanted to be awarded a star sticker - again and again.
Elder Neal A. Maxwell enlighten us... about being stars.
“Just as there is divine design in the universe, so each of us has been
placed in our own orbits in this life to love, to serve, to help light the world.”
Stand in line, step up and receive your sticker as each of us are meant to be a 'light' to the world. I think wearing stars on the foreheads are a thing of the past. Yet, if I ruled the world I would freely give them out and stick’m all over those who are trying to lift, love and serve others. Not that they needed to be honored, only that it would be contagious. Everyone would want to give. I believe we need simple reminders that God has placed us here with profound purpose. Truly 'living JOYFULLY is a quest.
A kind word, a broad smile, a touch of a hand, a compliment, and encouraging word are all needed. All of us are uniquely placed, time chosen, talents bestowed, and encouraged to shine. We have an opportunity to make a difference in this earthly experience and atmosphere. Who knows when something we may say or do will bring JOY or an ‘awe haw’ moment to another? We all know the good feeling, the sense of JOY when we have tried to do as HE would do.
Our Heavenly Father sent HIS son into the world to bring JOY and eternal possibilities.
Our deepest JOY will come some day as each of us, one by one, will look into God's face and feel the warmth of His words. We shall sense His JOY as He says, "Well done." Almost like we have received the final sticker star. Shine on!
EnJOY your Sabbath
Love to all,