Sunday, November 18, 2012

               Picture Perfect!
by Shauna Brown

     Yesterday, was the day  selected and circled for family pictures.  We had tried to juggle schedules of everyone to have the picture taken when the leaves were ripe upon the trees - autumn wonders.  However, between Nutcracker rehearsals, performances, baby births, work schedules, Bishop’s interviews, team practices those autumn pictures just didn’t happen.  So finally, yesterday we made the best of the rain and cold wind.  As I  took a look out the window, there for a brief moment  were beautiful clouds and a blue, blue sky.  The sun peeked out and sent out beams of light. I had renewed hope, and thought for a minute we could squeeze a few good pictures into our preferred outdoors. Too bad,  as the rains came down and washed that dream away.      So, thanks to Brooke and Dan we made their home the staging of our family pictures.  I found a new sense of joy while I watched as each of the family  arrived.  There is something in the 'gathering' that generates appreciation and gratitude. 
     I giggled as I watched 13 grandchildren try to line up in a row along the staircase.  Each one so different, so picture perfect in my eyes. True to form and historical remembering they tried to duplicate those frustrating moments of their parents in years past. Chapin wouldn’t put down his toy hammer, and Paige wanted to see the dog outside. Cam wanted to play with Jamison more than pose for a picture.  It all reminded me when Rick and I  tried to get our little Scotty to sit still for just a minute.  Or to get Kristin to stop pulling the ribbons out of her hair. Equally fun was a familiar scene watching parents 'peek-a-boo' behind the photographer. What we will do to generate a  smile. This common practice has probably occured for generations now.  
     Isn’t it amazing just how rigid a children can get when you want them to simply sit or stand still for ‘just a minute’ ?  True to form we once again had those *[unposeable ] children, while others instinctively want to be in the spotlight.  I smiled more yesterday, as I reflected and wished I had a few more pictures of our children caught while wiggling and crying.  You see, not all moments of life are picture perfect. 

      Our family photographer and good friend, Lindsay Ross,  encouraged smiles by clicking a little toy and saying the typical phrase:  “say cheese,” sausage. . .”     Then, after most of the pictures were taken she gathered the family together for one last group shot . Lindsay,  trying to evoke another smile from wiggly, tired bodies she said, “Say Brittany’s pregnant!”  We all stumbled over the words not knowing if she spoke truth, or just wanted a reaction. I’m sure the reflected look wasn’t just of smiles, but of surprise. I can hardly wait to see that picture and that frozen pose for all posterity. 
         After the click there arose such a clatter....
   A ripple was felt - great news - greatest matter!
Another sweet child to add to the clan 
I’m sure you can feel just how grateful I am.

    Oh, it may have been raining, cold and grey clouds, but it such a wonderful time to rejoice in gathering as a family, as well as receiving the great announcement-- it was our family's silver lining! Truly Heavenly Father was pouring out another blessings upon our little Sunshine Factory. 

    So you see, this day I want to express my gratitude to a very loving Father in Heaven for sending some of his most precious and hand-picked children to live within our home and heart. I frequently look into the faces of my grown children and rejoice that I have the privilege of being their earthly mother. I have learned so much from each one of them. I am grateful that God granted a wish of my heart, I wanted to be a mother.  God promised-- I would have a hearth filled with family -- and yesterday I saw it for myself.  Equally as important he has given me the gift to see and feel of their divine worth and purpose.  
     May we all gather together this Thanksgiving and count our blessings. 
Click those camera’s and enjoy those [ unposable]  moments - God does! 

Enjoy the sabbath!

Love to all,

* No such word as 'unposable' in the dictionary-- It's mine!       Unposable Possibilities!  ;)

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