Sunday, September 9, 2012


by Shauna V. Brown 

     As mother opened the front door she bubbled with excitement. At first I thought it was because she was anticipating my visit. However, she quickly escorted me into her bedroom. She pointed to the picture of my father’s photo resting on the desk.  It had sat on the desk ever since he passed away. 
“Shauna, I watched as his face turned a shade of pink. I couldn't believe my eyes, yet  I could  almost feel him near.”  Instantly her eyes welled with tears. “Then almost as soon as I saw it, the picture returned back to black and white again.” She cried for a moment as we looked upon the picture. It was clear that mother wished for another brushing with the veil. 
“Oh, Shauna, it was sweet,” she said, almost as if her thoughts were seeking to follow from which the moment came. I marveled that she had been so blessed.  It was such a sweet and timely gift from heaven.
“Oh, how I miss your father.”   “Do you think he misses me, as much as I miss him?” she asked.    What could I say?  My Mother had lost her sweetheart and best friend after fifty two years of marriage. 
“I’m sure Daddy misses you as much.” I said hugging her.
  Together, mother and daddy had strived to create a “Heaven on Earth,” and I believe with full heart that it was. They were an incredible duo. They looked to God and lived their lives seeking to do his will. I know I count it a blessing for having been born into such a home and family. 
     However, the last twenty years of their marriage had been filled with daily trials and challenges as my father had Parkinson disease. I watched as his body became rigid. Where once he had enjoyed a jaunty gate, and perfect posture, he became physically jittery and stumbled frequently. Some moments left him immovable. Yet, as the difficult challenges intensified for both mother and daddy I marveled at their gifts of patience, trust, sacrifice, and unwavering faith. Mother’s dedication continued to expand and develop.  Night and day she was by my father's side. Even though we as a family tried to relieve her and give her time to renew her strength, her endless desire and focus was to be with daddy. I knew she must be tired, as she worked endlessly to make his life more comfortable. It was clear to me, as well as everyone, that their love for each other had only grown.  
Whenever I hear the phrase ‘steadfast and immovable,’ I think of those two--literally. If enduring to the end is the ultimate level at which one is judged then I can only imagine their eternal happiness today. Gratefully I can take an 'eternal snapshot' and visualize them walking hand in hand together on the pathways in heaven. 

 Yesterday, while Rick and I were running errands I saw a car that had vinyl lettering on the back window.  “And they lived happily ~ ever ~ after.”   I know my parents are. Isn’t that the true desire of everyone’s heart?  We just need to appreciate that the “ever “ is now.  The testing periods of life is ongoing. We all will have our bumps in the road, the rough patches and refining times, but it is how we face the storm that defines who we are. It is our choice if we live 'happily'.

I have placed a quote on a wooden plaque outside my office it reads:

“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…
          it’s learning to dance in the rain.”

So this Sunday - may we all ‘ live happily - ever - now  and after ‘ counting all experiences, puddles in life, as well as the sunshine moments, as a blessing in our eternal 
development and outlook. 
     We just might have to learn to do a jig or two, and snap a few good pictures! 

Enjoy the Sabbath 

Love to all

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