Every Knee Shall Bow
by Shauna V. Brown
Recently, I sent out a mass email to parents who wanted their students to take early morning seminary. I received in return a rather startling email. It simply said:
“Wrong ( name withheld). I am an atheist. Please take me off your list. I don’t have a kid.
I don’t believe in god, jesus, ghosts, santa clause or any other make belief being.”
I must admit my mind went blank for a moment. It clearly isn’t a common communication response. I am employed by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
I re-read the email, and then my first emotion was to send a convincing testimony of contrast. An affirmation that would take his breathe away, cause an instant flush of heart burn, vibrate throughout his soul. I hesitated, since I was representing the church (as a secretary). Then within a moment a scripture came to mind.
“ Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God.” D&C 18:10
So with a careful “tip-toe” I responded:
“Wow – I believe nothing is coincidental. Perhaps you should ponder your statement. Not even Santa Claus – or any other belief? I bet there is more to you than meets the eye.
Clearly you must have an interesting outlook on ‘purpose.’ You might be interested in
researching C.S. Lewis. He too also made the statement that he didn’t believe in God.
He came to have a change of heart and perspective:
A man can no more diminish God’s glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, ‘darkness’ on the walls of his cell. C. S. Lewis
Thank you C.S. Lewis for your words of bold significance. OK, so I allowed someone else to speak up. Throughout the day I continued to dwell upon his words.... “I am an atheist.”
Then I highlighted in my mind a few of the phrases shared by C.S. Lewis :“Refusing to worship” “diminish God’s glory.”
As I look around today, I see a time when so many are forgetting that they are sons and daughters of God, refusing to worship, selecting alternative purpose. Diminishing God’s glory by not being true to their creator.
I find comfort in knowing that some day that ‘every knee shall bow, every tongue confess - that there is a God, and a son, Jesus Christ.
Some day each one of us will stand in their presence. Death bed repentance will have no place. It will be a time of self reflection and self examination. The truth of our life will be revealed within our faces and soul. I know as well, that great HOPE surrounds each of us. God’s love is infinite and eternal. He is our Father in Heaven, and most forgiving. He wants each of us to return home.
Growing up I loved singing this hymn. It always makes me want to try harder to simply --follow, to seek eternal truths, walk in the light, serve freely, stand stronger.
Know this, that ev’ry soul is free
To choose his life and what he’ll be;
For this eternal truth is giv’n:
That God will force no man to heav’n.
He’ll call, persuade, direct aright,
And bless with wisdom, love, and light,
In nameless ways be good and kind,
But never force the human mind.
Many of you know that I enjoy Max Lucado. He is a preacher in San Antonio, Texas, as well as a good writer. I love his books and quotes. Let me share a couple to conclude:
“If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it. If He had a wallet, your photo would be in it. He sends you flowers every spring and a sunrise every morning... Face it, friend. He is crazy about you! ”
“Let God have you, and let God love you - and don’t be surprised if your heart begins to hear music you’ve never heard and your feet learn to dance as never before.”
Enjoy your Sabbath and Earthly Journey
Rejoicing that God is God and loves you back.