Power to Heal
by Shauna Brown
There was a time in my youth that when an unsightly pimple irrupted on my face and I didn’t want to be seen in public. I was self conscience, constantly aware, imagined that everyone was looking at it, poor me. Then I heard a talk given by a young man, Peter Jeppson. He shared that one day he too awoke with a big pimple on his cheek. He had a date planned for that night. He didn’t want his date to see the pimple so he went to the Maitre d and asked to be placed in a dark corner of the restaurant so that the pimple would not be as noticeable or distracting.
We all laughed aloud as we clearly understood his sensitivity.
Then he told of a horrific car accident he was involved in. It happened not too long after that night. He had filled the car up with a full tank of gasoline, and later that evening was involved in a head on collision. Upon impact the car exploded. He was so badly burned that he was unrecognizable, and even pronounced dead. He then told about the years of surgeries to construct a new nose,mouth, eyelids, lips, and ears. He described how looking in the mirror for the first time rendered him faint. It must have been horrific. Peter experience a full year in the hospital, dozens of operations, countless nights of pain, endless prayers. Then he thought about the pimple, the simple pimple. I listened intently as he described the many experiences where people stood frozen and stared at him, children screamed and called him a monster. The accident had launched Peter into trusting in God and years of patience and pain. Purpose and possibilities mixed together to create a humble, teachable young man. I was mesmerized as he took us deeper into his experience of learning. His scars seemed to testify of the many miracles, he had experienced.
One thought I remember, and it is written in his story, is that Peter “prayed to have the feelings of ugliness leave him, which changed his life. He learned how to handle adversity and was given peace of mind.” Peter came to realize and appreciate that it’s what’s on the inside that counts. Yes, Peter has scars, but in their own way they testify of courage and trust.
Another person who inspires me is a young mother, Stephanie Nielsen, who was burned in over 80% of her body when the airplane in which she was traveling crashed. She too has faced years of painful reconstructive surgeries. I have followed her blog of healing . I have marveled with her courage and faith. It is clear as she writes of her humble love of God and His will. She once was beautiful, a model, but listening to her words, I clearly see that her beauty is deeper than what man can see on the outside.
If Peter prayed to have the feelings of ugliness leave him, what then can we pray for? What do we need help with? Is anything too small for God? Can God move mountains, heal the blind, bind the wound, mend broken things? Forgive? Peter and Stephanie, would answer yes to all, for theirs has been a personal witness of the power to heal. Peter and Stephanie, are each a miracle. To many they are a living, walking testimony of answered prayers.
May we each take a moment, review in our hearts and minds what we would like to change or remove from our life.
Stephanie shared,“Use the power of prayer in your daily life. Have faith and hope, and remember people love you.”
“Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most
massive characters are seared with scars.” ~ Khalil Gibran
Enjoy your Sabbath.
Love Always,